Rat's Training

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Donnie didn't once leave me alone with Naomi. I was glad because her body temperature rose and fell with what seemed like either her dreams, how deep she was in her sleep, or her raging emotions. Raph didn't come back in for the day. I didn't mind... He wasn't exactly a nurse.

The only time Donnie did leave was to dampen the towel again whenever I said it got too dry. Naomi only woke up three times, each time waking up and screaming in distress. We got her calmed down the second time quicker than the other times. She even ate then, but only the applesauce so she wouldn't have issues eating it. Yet still, it looked like it pained her...

It wasn't until I almost fell asleep on Naomi did the door suddenly open. The rat walked in, his eyes blazing with worry. I gulped and wrapped Naomi close, her temperature dropping when I did so. Raph peeked out from behind him, gritting his teeth, then getting pushed in the room by Leo.

"What happened?" the rat ordered.

Leo looked at the rodent and gritted his teeth and held his hands up a little in defense. "All I did was take a broken necked body out of the lair." He looked at Raph when he said the last few words.

Raph looked down then said softly, "He hurt Naomi, Sensei..." He looked up. "I couldn't let him do that..! I mean... Look at her!"

Sensei, from what they called him, looked at me and Naomi and I gulped a little. Naomi shuffled a little, whimpering. He sighed, his shoulders relaxing then turned to Raph. "You know not to kill, Raphael..."

"I know, Sensei... And I didn't want to, but my anger--!"

"Got a hold of you again," Leo cut in. "But worse."

"Because he raped Naomi!" he shouted, his patience already wearing thin.

Hearing her name, Naomi opened her eyes and woke up, without screaming this time. She looked over at the guys. Sensei, Leo, Raph, and Donnie looked at her in worry. Her temperature felt normal and her tail flicked. There was complete silence as none of them knew what to say. My fur started to rise in discomfort.

"I'm trying to rest..." Naomi finally said sorely. "I wanna train soon..." she dug her face in my fur, making it fluff up again, but all over.

Sensei sighed and nodded, his ears lowering. "They will watch over you, Naomi... And we will train when everyone is healed again."

In my fur, Naomi nodded and curled up more. Leo hit Raph's arm and growled, "I'm not taking another body out again..." then left quickly. Sensei looked at Raph before followed the blue masked Turtle.

Raph looked at Donnie. "You're not gonna do anything, are you?"

"Why?" Donnie asked. "Slash was gonna crush me, but you saved me and helped Naomi at the same time. Why should I be mad?"

"Because even Mikey's mad at me."


"I slept on the couch," Raph answered, coming up to me and sitting down.

Naomi looked up at him and flicked her tail. I just noticed how bruised it was; almost the entire tail was covered in black and blue. I looked at my own tail and wished that I could trade tails with her for a bit just to lessen her pain.

Reaching over, Raph brushed her cheek, looking hurt. Naomi blinked and dug her face farther in my fur, making my entire pelt poof up once again.

"Why does it do this...?!" I whined.

Laughing in my fur hoarsely, Naomi answered, "You're horny."

"I am not!" I felt my face flush and my fur fluff out more. I was seriously annoyed.

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