Protected Love

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I woke up to Donnie nudging me. I was slightly grateful because these chairs had started to give me a back ache. When I opened my eyes, he looked at me and smiled softly. My fur poofed up again and I growled inwardly at its annoying ways already.

"You gonna sleep in the chairs all day? You have a room, you know," Donnie said softly, helping me to sit up.

"No," I said sarcastically because of my annoying fur. "The chairs were so comfortable I want them to be my death bed."

Donnie took that in a shocked way and I laughed at his face. It was confused, and his split teeth just made it worse. He shook his head and smiled softly. I stretched again to try and get the ache out of my back. My fur finally went down to normal again.

"So..." Donnie said softly. "What're you gonna do today?"

Sighing, I slouched in my chair and looked at the door. "Gonna see if Raph is injured and hopefully check Naomi soon... If she can walk..."

Donnie nodded. "Leo and Mikey took care of Slash's body..."

"What happened with him?" I asked the purple masked Turtle, looking at curiously. "Before you got knocked out?"

He shrugged then sighed, "Raph just came in... I could tell something must've happened because the anger in the room when he walked in about knocked me off my feet. Next thing I know, he's cursing Slash out for raping Naomi. Slash chuckled then grabbed me by my sides threatening to crush me to death if he tried anything. Raph didn't care... He ran up and then everything went black for me..."

I looked down, wrapping my tail around my legs. "Sorry I asked...."

Shaking his head, he said softly, "It's fine... I don't mind."

We sat in silence for a while before he sat back against the lab table he was sleeping on. He must've had back issues as well because he sat at an angle. As soon as I noticed that, I got up and undid his bandages carefully.

He watched me in silence the entire time. I grabbed more bandages and stuck them on him again, more loose than the last set to let him have moving comfortable room, but tight enough to let him heal a little.

After I finished with him, I smiled at my work and he smiled at me. I gritted my teeth a little and flicked my tail. Reaching a hand out, he took my arm and brought me in for a hug.

My fur fluffed up again and I stiffened in uncertainty, not really understanding what was going on. But after a few seconds of him hugging me, I hugged back and I felt his body relax a little.

"Why can't you just remember..?" I heard him whisper gently. I pretended that I didn't hear, but loosened my grip a little. He noticed it and let go, letting me back up. His cheeks had flared red, but he quickly looked down before I could say anything.

Looking toward the door, I sighed and left the lab, pausing at the door to look at him. He was still looking down, slouched a little with his hands between his knees, fumbling with his thumbs.

I left the lab and went to Naomi's room. I knocked on the door and I heard Raph's voice say to open the door. I did and I came in, closing it behind me.

There was two plates of food, both barely touched. They must both be so upset as to not eat... Raph looked up with a glum look. Naomi was asleep in his lap, shaking and whimpering softly.

Coming up, I touched Naomi's forehead. It was a little warm. Raph looked at me worried. He held Naomi protectively close, watching my every move like I was gonna try something with my best friend, sister practically, when she was like this.

Donatello, I Don't Understand... (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now