Julie's Demon

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(Donatello's POV)

Julie's scream was basically ear piercing. I covered my ears from just the pure sound alone. She fell to the ground, wriggling around. Mikey stood back, shocked and unsure about what was going on.

I watched as Julie tried getting up, but she just kept falling... But sort of away from me and she ended up falling away from me and behind the desk. Finally, I heard silence and I looked at Mikey and him, me.

My first instinct was to check on Julie, but Mikey shook his head, unsure about what to do. He shouldn't tell me... He's the one that basically did it... I got up and went over to the desk cautiously.

Right when I was about to peer over the edge, a hand popped up and scratched the desk with black claws. I blinked and jumped back in shock. The wrist and small part of the arm it was connected to looked like dragon scales, only glossy and dark green.

Julie groaned and then coughed, standing up, using the desk to help her. I was shocked by her appearance. Her arms and down along with her knees and down were the same scaly design, but anything else was fluff and fur, but a lighter and nicer green. And another odd thing; she had a tail resembling a squirrels.

"J-Julie...?" I asked softly.

She looked at me, her brown eyes soft. I don't think she realized what she looked like yet. Her tail flicked and then she paused, probably realizing she had an extra limb. Turning her head, she saw her tail and screamed, jumping away from it, only for it to follow.

Mikey watched in amusement, smiling as Julie was trying to run away from her own tail. I tried to catch and tell her, but she seemed quicker in this form than in human.

When she finally figured out that it was attached to her, she calmed down, breathing hard from her running around the lab. She grabbed it and cried out, "I have a tail!! How the hell do I have such a soft tail?!"

I paused at the soft part because put it close to her face and started petting it, purring softly. Even Mikey was confused and looked at me in question. I shrugged and Julie looked back at me. She pointed her tail at me and hissed, "You better change me back!"

"But what about the tail...?" I asked cautiously.

Her brown eyes looked at me then her tail, pausing and thinking about what to do about the tail. She sighed then let it go, the tail going around the back to curl up like a squirrel's when sitting up. "I like the tail, but I feel weird..."

"Maybe cause you're made of fur," Mikey said, grinning stupidly.

Julie glared at him, her hands clenching. I could see her anger a little roll off her. Mikey laughed and touched his fingers together, slowly leaving the lab. When he left, Naomi took his place, swishing her tail while she walked, eating a popscicle.

When Naomi saw Julie and Julie saw Naomi, they both paused and walked closer to each other like wild animals first meeting. I watched in concern and uncertainty as they were a few inches away.

"You has a tail," Naomi said, purposely getting her English wrong. "And it's fluffy...!"

"But you're tail can grab things...!" Julie complained.

"No it can't. But Raph can sure tease me with it..." Naomi saounded a little disappointed.

"Really?" Julie smirked. "Like this?" she tried reaching for Naomi's tail, but Naomi growled and whipped her tail at Julie, making her back off. "Never mind..!"

"I would let you mess with it, but Donnie's in here," Naomi sighed, nibbling at the popscicle and glancing at me. I blinked and laughed nervously, backing out slowly.

Raph ran into me and I jumped, turning around. He looked at me curiously. "Naomi went this way..."

"Can't you stay out of her tail for five minutes?" I asked, trying to be causual about my normal attitude I have adopted. "And her and Julie are in the lab."

"Alone?" Rahp smirked.

"Ah hah, hah," I glared at him. "Not like that."

He shrugged, going past me. "It's happened before, you know."

"But now--!" I started, but Raph walked in on the girls, pausing at them. They were petting one another's tails, purring.

Raph watched them then turned to me, "She mutated?!"

"It was Mikey's fault!" I countered.


"Mikey popped a balloon and scared me," Julie said, letting go of Naomi's tail. Naomi didn't let go of Julie's. Now I was tempted to pet it... It looked soft along with the rest of her... Maybe she remembered like Naomi did?

"Wow..." Raph scoffed. "Still getting blonde I see."

Julie growled at him. Naomi squeezed her tail and Julie relaxed, shuddering a little. Raph smirked at that. Naomi glared at him, flicking her tail annoyed. "You better not think about it, Raph."

"But there's two tails now..!"

"That doesn't mean think about that!" Naomi growled, letting go of Julie's tail and coming up to Raph, hitting his arm. "Now, get going!"


"NOW!!" Naomi hollered, slamming her tail on the ground.

Raph groaned and growled, turning and stomping off. Naomi sighed and looked down, flicking her tail then to me. "She doesn't remember..."

That hurt me... I thought Julie would kind of be the way Naomi did. It just made things more difficult then... I sighed as Naomi left, probably after Raph to appologize or something... I looked at Julie and she looked at me.

"So..." I started, rubbing the back of my neck. "You ready for bed..?"

"Sure," she smiled, stretching. When she did, her fur poofed up and she looked at it curiously until it layed back down flat. "I'll see you in the morning."

She passed by me, going to her old room. She didn't look at the two doors past her. Both were the last two girls... I sighed, feeling sorry for Mikey and Leo. Raph and I were the lucky ones, but Naomi said that bringing one at a time in is better than dragging them all in and them cowering in a corner, wondering what mutants were doing in the sewers.

Going to my room, I paused as I heard arguing in Naomi's room. Before I knew it, the door opened and Raph was kicked out. Quite literally. The door slammed again and Raph got up, banging on the door. "Naomi! Let me in!"

"Go to bed!" Naomi shouted through the door. "I don't wanna see you!"

Raph growled and clenched his fist, calling Naomi an unmentionable name that old people may call a female dog. He noticed me and snapped, "Go to bed, Donnie. Damn..."

He stomped to his room and slammed the door. I sighed. A few weeks and they're already fighting... I went to my room, laid down on my bed and went to sleep, dreaming of Julie in the past and now...


BE HAPPY!!!!!!! Or not XD

Sorry about Julie being demon for those of you who voted Turtle. Julie wanted it, and I gave it to her as a very, very late B-day present. And because I thought the tail chasing and everything like that would be enteraining.

Okay... Hopefully another update soon. I AM WORKING ON MIKITO'S BOOK THIS WEEKEND SO LOOK FOR AN UPDATE THERE AS WELL. Thank you, come again.

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