With A Little Comfort, All is Good

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Honestly, nightmares never really affected me as a kid. I was always the one that didn't give a shit whether or not I had a night light - and when I spent some time over at my friend's house, I was surprised that they actually would use one. The dark never bothered me. There were no boogie monsters hiding in my closet, no monster under my bed.

But that night, something changed.

Falling asleep started out with me lying flat on my stomach with my leg draw in and my tail curled between the covers. I was weird like that, but sleeping on my side just didn't cut it anymore. And with the tail, it was harder to find a better position. I didn't have the slightest clue how in the hell Naomi slept so comfortably with hers, but then again, she's had hers a bit longer than I have. Nonetheless...

I burrowed my face into my pillow, breathing in the soft scents of lemon and orange - what my old room used to smell like. It brought a smile to my face and an almost...ease to my mind. It was the scent that brought back memories of making orange cookies for Cindy and wearing lemon yellow blouses as I danced around - making Natalie and Sophie laugh at me. It was the good times that I held in my heart like a teddy bear a child covets.

I missed my old life...but nowadays it was becoming more than a passing glance. I was carrying on like Harlen told me to do -

The name wrench my gut and I cried out, squeezing the pillow to stop the pain. It didn't help, and tears welled into my eyes. The knot in my stomach grew larger as I thought about kissing Donnie, and a flood of guilt hit me like a ton of bricks. Harlen is...was...my human boyfriend. We had just gone from the "Best friends" phase to the "Hey, we kind of like each other" to "This could be something real".

And now it wouldn't be - because I was...

I pulled the blanket over my head and stifled a sob, shaking, whimpering.

"What's wrong, little Juliet?"

I snapped my head up, fur rising in anger and fear, searching my room for the one that dared to enter it before I had a Mt. Dew and muffin in me.

"Whose there?!" I demanded, angry and frightened.

"Don't you recognize me, little Juliet? Can't you tell who I am?"

I paused, unsure, eyes darting frantically from room to room.

"I am the side of you that owns the fur - the side that takes control when you are angry or upset. The side that everyone fears...including Harlen. I am your demonic side, Juliet."

I could see myself standing in front of a mirror, the reflection casting a horrific image. Something so twisted couldn't be me - shouldn't be me! I screamed, the monster screamed with me, baring fangs and sharp claws that could tear a person in half. I threw my new claws over my face, sobbing, shaking my head over and over.

"This can't be happening...This can't be real!"


I could hear Harlen's voice calling to me, and I panicked. What was I to do? I wanted with every inch of me to run to him, and bawl my eyes out until I fell asleep against him. I missed everything - everything! And all because of -

"Do you see now little Juliet? Do you see? There is no hope for you - EVER!"

I saw the darkness come crashing down upon me, and suddenly I was being roughly shaken awake. My body was soaked in sweat. I could feel it drenching the sheets, which were tangled at the bottom of the bed.

"Julie?" I could see Donnie's face leering above me, concerned. "Are you alright?"

I fell back into his arms, exhausted. "N-No!" I managed to reply.

He slowly put his arms around me, quieting me and rocking back and forth. "Don't worry Julie...It was just a nightmare."


Thank you, Julie for writing another chapter!! The book's almost done guys! And it's Mikito next!

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