Dying This Fluffy Fur....

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Since April gave me the hair dye, which I am calling it fur dye, she pushed me into the bathroom, Donnie watching after us shocked. I was even more so. She showed me the color. Black.

"April..." I sighed.

"I know it's more of Naomi's color, but it'll look good on you!" she said, smiling. "Like some right heeere.." she ruffled the fur on top of my head. It was longer than the rest of the fur. "And some just spiking the top of the rest!"

"You're kidding right?" I asked, trying to flatten my head fur down.

She shook her head. "The reason I'm giving it to you was because Casey wanted to give it to me, but I knew that you mutated into what you are now, and I thought it'd be interesting to see the outcome."

"Casey wanted to dye your hair?"

"I know, right? I told him I'm not touching my hair with dye..." she sighed. "But Casey's Casey... He told me to at least use the bottle, so I'm using it on you!"

"Why not Splinter?!" I blinked.

"He wouldn't get it," she smiled.

Using a pair of scissors that I have no idea where she got them from, she cut the top of the bottle off. Untwisting the cover, she cut open the color dye that you add to it and poured it in the bottle, retwisting the top and grabbing plastic gloves and putting them on. She took the bottle and covered up the small cut she had and shook up the bottle quite nicely. I know I would be mixed up before the time she got done.

"Ready?" she asked me.

I held up my hands. "Ah hah, no..!" She rolled her eyes and her foot swung out, tripping me. "Gyah! HEY!"

April smirked and started dying the top of my head. My tail flicked in annoyance, but I let her do what she wanted. If it made her happy and me wasting time before I went back to training, then so be it... It was a while before she told me to get up.

"Stand up," she said softly. I did so and she dumped some dye on her gloves then took my fur and purposely spiked it. Of course, my fluffed up, but I think more in the line of defense than what Naomi said the reason was.

Before I knew it, she was spiking up my tail and I grit my teeth. Somehow, I was protective of my tail and I didn't want her touching it, but she didn't notice, or didn't care, and continued spiking up my fur, letting only the top be dyed...

When she was done, I had to sit on the edge of the tub for forty-five minutes to let the dye sink in. My tail kept flicking in annoyance. My patience levels were dwindling... Majorly. So by the time she told me to get in the shower, I was about to explode. Thank God for a shower!!

Before I could turn the water on, though, April handed me hair dye conditioner and told me to scrub the top of my head. I sighed and waited for her to leave then turned the water on, putting the conditioner to my scalp after I tried my hardest to get the dye of my scalp.

The water felt nice, but I felt waterlogged. It didn't feel right, and I was hopeful I wasn't in a complete lake or something swimming. I was certain I needed a hair dryer after this big time.

When I washed out the conditioner and shut the water off, I grabbed the towel near the shower off the towel rack.

April wasn't in the bathroom when I got out, so that's a relief. I tried drying my fur with one towel, but it was soon as if I had dumped it in a sink filled with water, so I had to grab a different towel. And another one. So two and a half towels had to completely dry my fur. Jeez.... thank goodness I don't have fur on my arms, just scales...

Which was weird because the others all had a certain animal they relate to. Naomi's a Lizard, the boys are Turtles, and Splinter's a Rat... What was I..? There was no animal hat looked like me... at least, not that I know of....

I sighed and looked at the color my fur had somewhat been changed. The longer fur on my head, which I'm calling my hair, was darker and more black than green. And I couldn't see the black fur ends on my body because my fur was still damp...

"You done yet?" April asked from outside the door.

I looked toward the door. "Yeah."

April opened the door, holding a hair dryer. How come she knew how to dye hair when her hair's natural...?

She smiled and pointed to a stool. I came over to it and sat down, swishing my tail. She plugged the dryer in then started to work. The warm air felt nice. Of course my fur poorer to help her dry it more and let the air try and hit my skin.

About ten minutes later, she had finished my hair and my face fur had basically already air dried, she she continued down to dry my shoulders, stomach, back, hips, and tail. Too much fur..! And to completely dry my fur, it took an hour and a half....

April looked like she had a workout with drying my fur. I got up and looked in the mirror. I looked nice, actually. The green fur and black dye went better than I thought. It was different. April was observing me as well.

"There," she smiled. "Now come on."

"Wh-Where...?!" I blinked, shocked, looking at her.

She didn't explain of say a word as she pushed me to the door and opened it. Donnie, Raph, and even Naomi was there, but she was leaning on Raph a little weakly. Donnie looked awed, Raph was shocked, and Naomi was smiling like she thought I looked good. My fur fluffed up again. You've got to be kidding me...

"Y-You look nice, Julie....!" Donnie grinned. "Really..!"

Naomi nodded and smiled, watching me. It looked like she wanted to talk with me because her eyes were clouded with hurt. I frowned, trying not to be noticed by the boys and April, but Donnie noticed and looked at me worried.

"Julie...?" he asked softly.

I looked at him and smiled, swishing my tail. "Yeah?"

"You okay?"

"Fine, but... I just wanted to check on Naomi now that she's up now."

Raph glared at me and I glared back, stepping up and letting Naomi lean on me. She didn't lean completely, trying to let herself take all the weight.

"I'm gonna borrow your lab, Donnie," I smiled softly then helped Naomi toward the large lab. I helped her up on a lab table. She looked down the whole time, her hands between her knees. "Naomi?" I asked. "You okay..?"

She shook her head and muttered softly. "No...."

"You wanna talk about it...?" I said to her softly and as kindly as I could.

Her blue eyes looked up at me hurt and started to tear up, her body shaking. "Sl-Sl-Slash g-got me.... Pregnant...!"

Oh no...


Bum bum buuuuum! Okay, not exactly a news breaker to those reading Alone Time, but for the ones who haven't (which is doubtful), surprise!

Now... I haven't been able to sleep lately and I'm being hounded by my dad. And I have a job interview, so I may have a job, so DON'T hound me with updates!! Be grateful for the updates I give you and stop begging for more! I'm trying to update three books at a time right now!

Mikito's book, this book, and Alone Time, which by the way, I'm tempted to erase Alone Time because of all the bad comments I get! There's a warning label people!!! I warned you but if you're gonna be rude about the writing, then get it out of your reading list and stop reading it!!!!!

*panting* All right? We good? Now let me have a life other than just Wattpad. Granted, I wish Wattpad was my life, but it ain't... Sorry to break it to you....

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