Full Out Demon

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(Donnie POV)

Raph and I watched as the girls left for the lab. Raph seemed unsure about the whole ordeal, mane because he didn't want to hear any bad news. I know I wouldn't when something like that would've happened....

Finally, Raph turned to me and sighed, "I'm gonna go harass Leo until they're done..."

"You mean screw him?" I asked, knowing what the two have been up to behind everyone's backs. Raph's face flushed to meet his mask and glared at me before stomping off. Yeah, I was right.

I sighed and went to my room, looking around the walls. They were lined with pictures of the family. My lab has the scientific posters that I drew. But my room, which I barely use, is covered in family pictures. Especially ones with Julie.

It was weird seeing Julie not as a Turtle. Her new form is different and unknown for me. I wasn't sure what animal she was. It was making me curious, but I didn't want to come to close and her to snap at me because of it.

But I really wanted to figure out what she was. Nothing I've seen has a furry body and scaled knees and elbows down to their feet and hands. I paced in my room, wondering and thinking and brainstorming.

Finally, I heard a door close and Naomi's muffled voice in Raph's room. Nobody answered, so I assume she was either talking with Julie or herself. Curious, I walked out of my room, and cracked open Raph's room. Julie was in there.

"You're gonna be sore for a while, Naomi..." Julie said softly.

There was nothing, so Naomi either nodded or was figuring out I was here. But she continued, "I just can't believe I let that happen..."

"It wasn't your fault...! He probably didn't even know he did it..."

"He did...!" Naomi cried. "That's the issue..! But I'm glad Raph got rid of him...."

"By killing?!" Julie asked, shocked. "Even I know it's wrong to kill!"

"But--!" Naomi started then got cut off from Julie.

"No 'buts'! I don't really care if he raped you OR got you pregnant; you don't kill!"

I paused. Slash got Naomi pregnant..? Is that what Julie was doing in the lab? Giving an abortion?! She can do that?!!

Suddenly, the door opened completely and Julie was glaring at me, her fur proofed and ruffled in anger. I gulped and backed up, holding my hands up in submission.

"What are you doing here?!" she snarled.

Naomi peeked out from inside the room, shaking and in shock. I looked back at Julie and stuttered, "J-Just seeing h-how you t-two are doing..!"

She growled as if she didn't believe me and that's when I noticed two wings jutting out from her back. Julie must've not felt it because the wings only opened up and she hissed.

Behind her, Naomi was in complete shock and I backed up against the wall, trying to keep Julie from getting too mad. How she got this mad other than having an argument with Naomi and me listening in, I have no idea.

Julie's eyes turned red, making them pop against her dark fur. She roared and claws extended from her finger tips. I gulped and slid down the wall just in time as a clawed hand jutted out and scratched the wall so hard it left a hole. Poor brick..!

"Julie!!" Naomi cried out, coming up with a limp. Julie turned and hissed, her tail lashing and actually stretched out like Naomi's tail and not like a squirrel's tail. There was a spear on the end. Naomi paused and gulped.

Green blur was all I saw as Julie ran up and opened her wings, suddenly disappearing. Naomi fell back in shock, crying out. I hurried up and saw that Julie had scathed Naomi's face. I had to move her hand to see the damage. The cut was on her eye, just like before she died. Thankfully, it wasn't deep, and Julie didn't hit her eye. Naomi would be devastated.

"G-Go get her..." Naomi said, looking up at me. "I-I'll be f-fine..."

I was worried, but I nodded, quickly leaving with my Bo Staff in hand.


Short chapter, I know, but I don't care because I'm just bored and wanting food instead of cookies for breakfast.

NO!!! It is NOT the end of the book! I-we-Julie and I- thought that Julie and Donnie should have more them time. So Donnie should save her from something, right? Now read and comment and vote, I don't care, but I'm kind of getting tired of life currently... Reality's hitting me.... I hate it....

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