Arc 1.2

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Few years later

3rd P.O.V.

Council meeting..

The Primordial gods were in a meeting, they were arguing again about earth, today they decided to watch the council meeting they didn't know why Zeus summoned a meeting.

Aether P.O.V.

Olympians...... what can I say about them, I didn't want to watch their meeting ,but then I heard a familiar pleading voice yelling, that voice quickly draw my attention, what I saw was horrific, Hades was chained on his throne and Nico was at his knee with Zeus pointing his thunderbolts toward him, I looked at my father and he spoke,

" Aether, Erebus come with me, this is too much, I didn't think that they would make the same mistake , today is the day we are going in war against the Olympians"

I nodded, now brother Erebus at my side and father in front of us, he opened a portal, and we got inside.

When we arrived I went directly to protect Nico from the thunderbolt that Zeus throwed at him, I quickly made a shield that absorbed his little toy.

Zeus thundered


I was going to reply but Erebus beat me to it.

" SHUT IT, I WILL NOT TOLERATE DISRESPECT TOWARD MY FATHER BY A LOWER BEING LIKE YOU" Erebus yelled at Zeus, visibly we could see that he was more enraged than before,

"HOW DARE YOU TO TALK LIKE THAT TO ME I AM THE KING OF GODS-" he yelled back but was cut by me.

" and do you think that we care that you are a king we don't care and we are not gods, you are not our king, you should show respect to your great grandfather little boy" I said in a deadly voice.

When I said great grandfather many gods face paled they get out of their throne and bowed to my father.

" Lord C-Chaos, what can we do for you" said now a terrified Zeus.

Father simply ignored him and spoke.

"Hades, Hestia, Hera and Nico di Angelo you are invited to attend the Primordial council in my planet"He said.

The two gods get up of their throne and come quickly ,Erebus unchained Hades now at our side and Nico just got up.

" father you forgot something" I told him loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear.

" Aether what did I..... oh yeah the war... Cough*cough* yeah about that war" ended the creator with a deadly voice.

" what war????" Asked a camper

The Olympians flinched at the question but it didn't go unnoticed. Remembering that the demigods left before Apollo quit his duty and jumped down in Tartarus.

" you didn't tell them... what Apollo told you before you know following Perseus in the pi-" I was cut by one of the seven.

" don't you dare to talk about that traitor and my brother too is a traitor" said Hazel.

I glared at her she paled at my glare and she just understood that she interrupted a Primordial.

" what did the son of hades do this time?" I ask

" he killed camper, a bloody murder Jason saw him and he tried to kill him but when Jason was winning, then he shadow travelled to somewhere else, " Piper told us.

I looked at Nico and saw betrayal in is eyes, he didn't do it I thought. But the Olympians didn't share the same thoughts as me.

"Son of Hades did you do it, did you kill that camper and tried to kill Jason???" I asked him.

Percy & the Primordial councilWhere stories live. Discover now