Chapter 3

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The next day I felt pretty bad. My body was aching all over from the accident. Still, I was so excited to get my new job that I pulled myself out of bed, got dressed and went down to Unike Entertainment.

I was received immediately by Mr. Phillips, who happily handed me the contract for me to sign.

- I am very pleased with your decision, Mrs. Olivia. It will be a pleasure working together. – he gave me his hand to shake in agreement.

- Thank you, I feel the same. If you don't mind me asking, when will my room be ready? Should I extend my stay in the hotel?

- In no way, no. – he told me. – Your room in available right now. It is actually an apartment in a building of mine that has been vacant for a while now. It's completely furnished, with a full modern kitchen set. I hope you will feel right at home.

- Thank you very much. It sounds delightful. When should I start work?

- I will give you this weekend to prepare. Move your belongings to the apartment, ship the things you need from your country, take care of yourself and rest. Monday, come ready to work!

- Yes, sir. Where should I go Monday morning? Is there any schedule I should attend to?

- As I am just hiring one translator in the near future, I want to know if it pays off. You will be part of the team in charge of my most popular idols: Unusual7.

- I'm part of the Unusual7 crew? – I asked, astonished. This was too good to be true.

- Yes. The boys have been worrying about you, by the way. Always asking me to find you or your contact so they can express their gratitude. I told them they would have a chance too, very soon, probably.

- Oh, I told them there was no need to worry! – I frowned. I truly didn't want to cause them any discomfort or bother at all.

- Don't feel guilty, is normal that they feel that way, don't you think?

I smiled lightly.

- Yes, you are right. It just shows they are good people.

On the ride back to the hotel, in a taxi Mr. Phillips insisted on paying, I grew mixed feelings. On one hand, I was just so happy to be able to see Unusual7 often. To be a part of the team that surrounded them, I would be very close to them. But on the other hand, I was nervous. Would that burden them? Would they feel responsible for the accident every time they see me? Will I remind them of that?

I sighted. Either way, I already signed the contract and had quit the day before of my old job. It made sense to send me to the team of the most active group of the company first. I'm sure most of the international interviews would revolve around Unusual7.

As I entered my room, I laid on the bed for a few minutes. This was really happening. I was going to work alongside an idol group I really liked. But that didn't matter. I shouldn't be worried about what they'll think of me. My mind should be focused on my work, getting along with everyone and doing a great job. Monday I would do my best, and that would be good enough.

I smiled and started packing my stuff. My apartment was really near the company, so this taxi ride there should be one of my lasts. Because I was only prepared to stay for three days, I only had a suitcase to fill, where everything fitted. Other than that, was just my purse. If my parents couldn't ship the rest of my clothes in urgency, I would have to go shopping. I really didn't want to spent money, though.

My building was nine floors tall and my apartment was on the last floor. I entered and rode the elevator to the ninth floor. As the doors of the elevator opened, I saw there were two apartments in this floor. Mine was at my left. I took the key I had been given and stepped into my new home.

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