Chapter 1

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I never had what I would call "an amazing day". Those types of days happened to amazing people, extraordinary people who live a full life, with no regrets, no fears. Confident people, who are happy with themselves and the life they lead. I was not one of these people, so I never had one of those days.

My life was mostly ordinary. I had a very boring life, a quiet existence. The most I could say I had accomplished were my good grades that managed to help me finish school and university without ever failing a class and get a secure job within six months after I finished my studies. Other than that, I was just another girl on the world.

A 22 year old short, chubby, glasses-wearing, boring girl. I did not have a major problem with the way I looked most of the time. Sometimes, very few times, I would feel beautiful, with my long brown hair in the wind, my brown eyes sparkly if in the right light, with the right mirror, the right angle. I still had an hour-glass shaped figure, it just was... curvier. However, a short, chubby girl doesn't feel beautiful that often in today's society. I was no different.

I had dreams of extraordinariness. Those fantasies that one can think of. For me, it was singing, and performing in front of an applauding audience screaming my name: "Olivia, Olivia! Encore!". And drawing stories, painting beautiful art pieces. And traveling around the world, as if money wasn't an issue.

However, nothing in me was extraordinary. And so, I did not have amazing days.

But today was going to be an amazing day. Finally, something unexpected and excited happened to me. I knew this, but still I would never imagine how incredible this day was going to become. And where it would lead to.

It was the midst of January. A new year had just started and I was feeling hopeful. Maybe this year would be a good year. Maybe I would get a promotion, maybe I would win the lottery or maybe I would finally get a boyfriend. As it turned out, the year began extremely well.

As a child I never got to travel to another country. All my parents could afford were a couple of days every year to another city, but still within Canada. Even though that was more than enough for me then, I always found myself curious as what was waiting for me in other countries, what sights to see, monuments to admire. I had many places I wanted to go once I could afford to. Many of them in Europe, and one of the countries I most wanted to visit was the United Kingdom. And now my dream was about to come true.

I had just started working as a translator about a year ago. The company I work for ended up having business in London, where we would interview a Greek genius about his latest invention for a Britishcompany, and, me being one of the few journalists that actually spoke English and Greek fluently, I was chosen to come along. They only needed me for a few hours the first day, and I could spent the next two days exploring the city.

My job for that day lead me to a network studios. It was my first time in a network facility and I looked around, trying to take it all in. The translation needed was pretty quick, seems like the interview was already laid out and was easy to translate. In about two hours the meeting we had with the network CEO and the superb genius ended and my work wasn't needed anymore.

- Thank you for your services, Miss Olivia. The pay will be transferred to your account within the next three days. - my boss informed me.

- Thank you very much, Mr. Daniel. If you ever need a translator again, please contact my company and be free to ask for me. Nice working with you.

We shook hands in front of the network studios building and were about to turn our own ways, when a lady, around 30 years old, in a pencil skirt and suit jacket approached me, her dark eyes wide open with a desperation light in them, her black hair in a very messy bun behind her neck. She had a phone in her hand, as if she was in the middle of a conversation.

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