Chapter 12

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Later that night I was drinking some hot tea and eating some crackers on my couch, the TV on but I wasn't really paying attention to it. As it turned out, Jacob was a very nice guy. He was funny and a lot more outgoing than I had envisioned at first. After his nervousness disappeared, he was all funny stories and big smiles that would infect anyone around him. I ended up having a good time with him in that coffee shop. We exchanged numbers and he told me we should meet again.

Yet, here I was. Sitting with a cup of tea in my hands contemplating why I couldn't think of a nice guy like Jacob in any kind of romantic way. He made me laugh and made me blush sometimes, and he was the first man to show so much interest in me. However I already knew I couldn't see him as more than a friend. And that bothered me.

It bothered me to no end, to realize that I probably wouldn't ever meet someone I could truly and solely love, and that he would love me too. My eyes darted to my front door, envisioning the door to the other side of the building's hallway. The reason as to why, just a few feet away.

My eyes started to water and I had to sight to make me feel better, as I took a sip from my cup. This was a danger I should've foreseen when I took this job. I tried so hard to not get affected by him, by his sweet words, his sweet gestures, the warmth of his smile. I failed miserably.

I startled when I heard a soft knock on my front door. I got up and rubbed my eyes, making sure they wouldn't be teary as I opened the door.

Aiden stood nervous on the other side, hands in his jeans pockets and a worried look on his eyes, that could barely meet mine's. On the lack of reaction in my part, he just cleared his throat and spoke politely.

- Hi, Olivia. Is it a bad time? I can come back another time.

I snapped out of my perplexed state and, shaking my head slightly, I opened the door wider.

- Of course not. Want to come in?

- No, there's no need. – he stated, and then taking a deep breath and saying the next sentence in a simple breath. – I just came here to apologize for earlier today, I overreacted, and to say I understand now your situation.

He was looking at the ground as he spoke, and after he finished he took a tempting look my way. I could see the anxiety and nervousness behind his look. He truly felt guilty, for some reason.

- Aiden, - I started, smiling in disbelief. – it's fine. There is absolutely no reason for you to apologize to me.

He seemed relieved, but he didn't seem to agree with my words.

- No, I went ahead and interrupted your work very abruptly, by the way. Sorry about that. And I was angry when I shouldn't be, so... I just really felt I owned you an apology after thinking about it with the other members.

I just sighted and leaned against the door frame, looking at him. Because of this, I thought. Because he could be as sweet as this, because he could make my heart beat with as little as the way he was looking curiously at me now, because it was him I already had feelings for. That was why I could never find anyone else.

- I never got upset with you or anyone else – I clarified. – Even if I think it wasn't needed, I accept your apology. Now, stop worrying about it, okay?

He nodded with a shy smile that sparkled his eyes nonetheless.

- Thank you, Olivia. I better go now, we start early tomorrow. Oh, and by the way – he leaned in just a few inched from my face, making me stop breathing, with a playful glow around his green eyes. He then reached into my hair around my shoulders and presented me with one half of those crackers I was eating absent minded a few moments ago. I must have been so distracted that one of them fell on my hair and I didn't notice. – I like these crackers too.

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