Chapter 20

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The audience was cheering loudly. The boys were exiting the stage where they just did an interview with a famous daytime show host. They had some time to rest while the host interviewed another artist and after they would go back out to sing. They were now getting some water and attaching their microphones. I could see them from a window above, where they were recording the show and showing me the video with their interview for me to translate in another languages for them to post online. I would take it home with me and send them the translations afterwards, in a maximum of three days.

After receiving the video and the instructions the producer of the show gave me, I went downstairs to congratulate them. As soon as they saw me, the boys' face tuned into smiles and waves calling me over. I couldn't help but smile brighter as I got close to them. Somewhat unconsciously, I stopped when I got closer to Aide, who was on my right, and waited for the rest of them to come to us.

- You guys did great! The audience seemed to love you all – I complimented them.

- Thank you. Good thing they didn't stir away from the scripted questions. I heard they tend to do that sometimes – Ethanael looked relieved.

- You would have done great either way – I assured.

- The worst part is still coming, so don't get too comfortable, okay? – reminded Revel, looking stressed.

- What? The performance? – I questioned, confused. They worked so hard, they knew their choreography by heart now. There shouldn't be any problem.

- It's just that the stage is a bit small – Lucius explained, seeming a bit concerned himself.

- It will be fine – I assured them confidently. – You all know what to do, just be aware of your surroundings. I've seen you perform in smaller stages. Don't let the nerves get to you.

They all took a deep breath and nodded their heads, still a bit worried but that would be expected. Revel decided to go over the choreography for this stage one more time and the boys were listening attentively, except for Aiden who turned to me rather than to his group.

- Do you have what you came for? They gave you the video from earlier? – he asked.

- Yes. It will take me a few days to translate to all the languages they asked, but I will deliver in the timeline. Why do you ask?

Even if Aiden was interested in my line of work, volunteering to help whenever I seemed overwhelmed, he seemed a bit more anxious asking about this particular one.

- But you'll wait for us before leaving, right? – he asked shyly, a hopeful look on his face.

- Yes, I'm supposed to go back with the team – I answered, still wondering about his behavior.

- Oisin has a medical appointment after this show. Jeff is going to take him directly there. Our car will have an empty seat. You're going home right after, aren't you? We will also be going home to take showers and practice for tomorrow's interviews. So... I was wondering if you'd like to come with us. I'm sure Nate won't mind.

I smiled brightly up at him, giggling a bit as I understood now why he had so many questions. Because the group was so busy as of late, Aiden was trying to come up with any ways possible for us to spend some time together, even if only for a while.

- Of course, Aiden – I answered happily, seeing his face light up as well.

- Great! I'll go and ask Nate immediately!

And before I could catch him to tell him to wait until after the performance, he was already running in the direction of the staff, looking for their driver for the day. I just grinned and shook my head in amazement.

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