Chapter 15

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- Tomorrow, we're going out – Mindy declared, taking me out of my thoughts.

It was lunch time and we were sitting in the cafeteria. Most of the crew was gone because the boys had so much press that they wouldn't come back for lunch. Because today was dedicated to local stations, my services as a translator weren't needed.

- What? – I babbled. My mind was elsewhere while she was speaking, so I wasn't sure what she was talking about. Yesterday's events were still very distracting, I found myself spacing out because of that quite a few times.

- It's Saturday, we don't have to work and we need to have some fun! We've been working our assess off all week. Besides, I promised I would take you out some time, ever since you came to work with us. It's about time I keep that promise.

- Mindy, it's fine, I didn't even remember - I started, but she interrupted me.

- No backing out! How about I meet you at your place at around ten? That way we can chill for a bit, maybe I'll show you around the city before we go clubbing – she proposed, with a big smile.

- We're going clubbing? – I scuffed, dread crawling inside.

- Yes! And don't look at me like that, it'll be your first night out in London. I promise, it will be fun – she assured.

- I guess... - I conceded, trying to feel optimistic. Mindy seemed really excited with the idea. Although I wasn't really into clubbing or going out at night, I did need to take my mind off the most recent events. I knew I was only setting myself up for hurt down the line. – Okay. Do you know where I live?

And so arrangements were made. It made me appreciate Mindy even more. She was rapidly becoming my closest friend in this country. I couldn't talk with my friends back in Canada as much as I once did and I missed having another woman to talk to and who would push me out of my comfort zone like my other friends did.

The boys came back very late that day. They seemed exhausted, which didn't surprise me. An all-day of interviews would be very tiresome. And still, they had to practice their choreography for a bit before calling it a day. There was, however, one face missing among the boys as they came in the room.

- Olivia! We're going to miss the new episode...! - whined Theon, spotting me immediately, when they all came in and took a rest before going back to work. – Our choreographer wants us to stay late!

- Stop complaining, Theon. You know this few weeks will be tough – warned Revel.

- I know, but I was looking forward to it! – he cried.

- Don't worry. I'll record it so we can see it when we have time – I stated, much to the boy's content.

- You're the best, Olivia! Thank you – claimed Lucius, putting a hand on my shoulder.

- It's...

- It's fine! – all the boys interjected me at the same time, with smiles in their faces.

- You're becoming too predictable – teased Ethanael.

- You should try to get mad at us once in a while – laughed Oisin, with rosy cheeks.

- Maybe she doesn't have it in her to get mad – conjures Aiden, with a witty smile.

- I assure you all, I can get mad – I retorted, crossing my arms. – Just not very easily. Either way, where is Castiel? – I asked, both out of curiosity and to change the spotlight from me.

- He's in the production room. He's been really stressed out with the album. – explained Revel. – There's one song in particular he keeps going back to.

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