Chapter 5

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The next day, as I entered the room, I found it emptier. There were no signs of the boys and a lot of the crew was missing. The people that actually were there were also packing and seemed to be preparing to leave.

- Olivia! – called Jefferson. He must have seen my confused face. – Get ready to leave. The boys are at a photoshoot right now. We're going there and when they finished they will do a small greeting to the international fans for this famous website. They asked for someone to do the subtitles in many languages, you need to come.

- What languages are involved? I don't know if I'll know how to subtitle languages I myself don't know. – I said worried.

- Don't worry. You are fluent in all of them.

We all got into the car and departed to the shoot location. It was an indoor shoot, which I was thankful for, since it was cold outside. It was still early in the morning, it wasn't even eight in the morning, but some of the members were already being photographed. I saw Aiden and Lucius already on the set, posing for the camera.

The crew all went to the dressing room of the boys, where they were getting their make-up done. Castiel and Oisin were actually sleeping on the chairs as the make-up artists did their make-up. I saw Ethanael and Theon on the couch also in deep sleep. They were not early morning people. I felt sorry for them, having to wake up so early just for the make-up and hair.

Since I didn't have much to do before leaving for the greeting, I decided to explore a bit the set and the behind of the scenes. I was curious to see how much work was put into creating the scenarios, how many people and props were needed.

Making sure I wasn't intruding or being a nonsense for the working people, I stepped into a room that was filled with clothes and random props everywhere. There were so many hangers with clothes that they created hallways between them in the middle of the room. I touched some of the fabrics of the clothes, thinking they were all so pretty, wondering how the stylist could ever choose. I especially liked one of the jackets, knowing it most likely would be a very expensive piece.

The walls had shelfs filled with the most aleatory things. I saw mugs, dolls, plants, glasses, hats, plastic fruits, etc. I wondered what the criteria was to bring all these stuff into this shoot. I was pretty sure that ninety per cent of these stuff wouldn't be used.

I got out of that room, wanting to go to the sets created. Aiden and Lucius were still using one of the sets, but there were three others around. I saw that Revel was already in a set, also exploring it. He was already handsomely dressed for the shoot, with his light brown hair pulled to the left, making it seem as if only his right side was shaved.

As I was approaching him, I caught him playing with a pair of glasses that were on the table and as he was putting them on, they slipped from his hands. With a panicking face he tried ineptly to grab them, but they fell to the ground and broke.

I stopped in my mark, open mouthed, as I watched him getting nervous and trying to fix it. He started looking around as he concealed the glasses in his pants' back pocket. I could tell he thought he would get in trouble for breaking the glasses. I sighted, reminded of Revel's ability to break everything he touched so easily. It seemed to be a running theme with him. I continued walking towards him, who finally noticed me and smiled nervously.

- Hi, Olivia. What's up?

I laughed because it was so visible he was uncomfortable. His jaw was tense, making his face seem even rectangular. He shoved his hands in his front pockets tensely and tried to make small talk.

- It's chilly today outside, isn't it? How's the weather in your country? Oh, I think the make-up artist is calling me. I have to go...

He was trying to escape, but I grabbed his arm so he wouldn't leave. No one had called, he was just scared I would find out about his mistake.

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