Chapter 3: Meeting Jack and Bruce

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Chapter 3 Meeting Jack and Bruce

Jack was in bed. He was having a dream involving what happened to him at Mako Island. He woke and decided to test to see if he still had a tail. He picked up a glass of water, and poured it over himself. What he didn't know, that you have a 10 second opportunity to hide or dry. He thought he was in the clear until....... He flopped on the ground. He saw he still had the blue tail. He sighed. He remembered that he signed up to be a lifeguard at the beach on weekends. He heard a knock on his door.

"Jack, you're going to be late for your lifeguard duties." Jack's father said. Jack started to panic. He quickly jumped in his bed, and covered himself in blankets.

"Jack, why are you lying in bed, when you should get ready for lifeguard duties?" his father said.

"I don't have to today; Barry can just cover for me." Jack said.

"Nice try, but you signed up to be a lifeguard on weekends and you got to keep that commitment." Jack's dad added. Then he pulled off his blankets.

"Dad no!" Jack shouted. Then he saw that his tail was gone.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Jack's dad said to him, Jack shook his head. Then his dad left, and Jack got ready and left for the beach.

At Mako Island.......

I woke up and looked around. I found out this was all reality. The pod really did leave.

It was just the three of us. I grabbed my brush and started to brush my hair. I stared at the sky for a minute. Then I continued to brush. Blue is lucky. He has a brother who cares about him. Kahuna is one of the strongest mermen at my pod. He was always popular. Then there's me. The oddest of the three. Kahuna and Blue both have brown hair. I have a golden blonde or dirty blonde or brown blonde. Kahuna has brown eyes. Blue has green or hazel eyes. I have a crystal or icy blue eye color. I just sat there playing at my hair. I decided to wake up the guys.

"Hey, guys wake up." I said to them while splashing water at their faces.

"What time is it?" Kahuna asked while yawning.

"I don't know; it's morning though." I said to both of them.

"Hey can you pass me the brush?" Blue asked me. I handed it to him.

"Thanks." He said.

"I was thinking of a plan. Maybe Kahuna and I can go to the juice bar and see of Jack is there, while you can check out the beach." I explained the plan to them.

"How come I'm all by myself?" Blue asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know. What do you say? Good plan, yes or no?" I asked them.

"Sounds good enough to me." Kahuna said. I stared at Blue.

"What are we waiting for, let's get going." Blue said. We dived under and swam off to land.

"Hey Barry, do you think you can go in the water for me. You know my issue." Jack asked Barry.

"No problem. I got your back." Barry said.

"Hey Barry can you get me more water?" one of the supervisor's said.

"I'm sure Jack can get you more water." Barry said.

"Nonsense, Jack came back from his break. You can do it." The man added. Barry just grumbled. That is when Blue walked in. He heard screaming of a woman. He turned that way.

"Help! My daughter is drowning! She can't swim that well!" the panicked mother shrieked. Without thinking Blue jumped in the water. He transformed into his merman form. He quickly swam toward the drowning girl. He popped his head on the surface.

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