Chapter 5: Trapped

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Chapter 5 Trapped

I woke up. I found myself all by myself. I looked around. It was morning.

"Kahuna? Blue?" I called out. No one responded.

"Where are you guys?" I called out again. I dived under. I was looking all over the ocean. I couldn't find anyone or anything. The ocean was deserted. I surfaced, then I saw the sky. It was stormy. Of course the animals aren't out. I decided to got to Bruce's house.

Once I reached the beach, I heard thunder. It started to rain. I quickly ran to Bruce's house. Once I made to his driveway, a raindrop fell on me.

"Oh no." I mumbled. I tried to dry it, but...... I fell on the ground. Then the rain got harder. I was exposed. I crawled to a bush. I managed to wiggle in it. Good thing is that it completely covered me. But I was covered in dirt. I had to wait until it was done raining. Practically, I was trapped.

Inside the house........

"Bruce where are you going?" Blue asked.

"I'm going to a parent-teacher conference." he answered.

"How many of those do you have to go to?" Kahuna asked.

"I'm the principal, I have to talk to student's parents about grades and behavior." Bruce said.

"Stay in here. If a raindrop fell on you, you will be exposed." Bruce added while getting supplies.

"If Reef gets here, tell him I went to work. My number is on the fridge, and Cassie should be coming to deliver some special salads that are ocean based." Bruce explained.

"Alright, if you need me, number on fridge, and I will see you in a few hours." Bruce said while putting on a raincoat. He picked up his umbrella and left.

"How are we going to find Jack now?" Kahuna asked Blue.

"I don't know." Blue said to him.


"I'm stuck inside a bush." I said. Then I saw Bruce walk to his car. I saw him in raincoat and had a thing over his head. He opened his car door, and got inside, and drove off. I sighed.

"How am I going to get out of this mess?" I asked myself.

Inside the house...........

"Kahuna, explain to me again why we left Reef?" Blue asked.

"He let us sleep in, so I decided to let him sleep in." Kahuna explained to Blue while taking a seat.

"I have an idea." Kahuna said.

"What's your idea?" Blue asked.

"First, give me your moon ring." Kahuna said while holding out his hand.

"Why?" Blue asked while getting it off.

"Maybe we can stop the rain with your moon ring." Kahuna added while taking Blue's moon ring.

"Come on." Kahuna said while leading him to the chambers.

"Ok, were at the chamber, what now?" Blue asked. Kahuna put the moon ring in front of them.

"We are going to use our powers to use the moon ring." Kahuna said. Then the two started to use their powers. The ring glowed. And then snow started to fall from the chamber.

"It's snowing." Blue said.

"Isn't snow still water?" Blue asked Kahuna. Then both of them flopped down.

"Great, how are we suppose to get dry now?" Blue asked Kahuna. After drying themselves, they went back to the living room. Then they heard the doorbell ring. Kahuna stood up and walked to the door. It was Cassie .

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