Chapter 7: The Great Big Over Exaggerated Discovery!!

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Chapter 7 The Great Big Over Exaggerated Discovery!!

I woke up. I sat up but slipped and fell down in the water. My mouth was open and I started to choke. That was not fun. I bobbed my head out gasping for air.

"Reef, quiet down, we're trying to sleep." Kahuna mumbled. I just splashed water at him.

"I was dying a few minutes ago!" I yelled. Kahuna just rolled his eyes. I dived under and swam into the ocean. I was looking around. I wanted to know who that merman was. I saw nothing out of the ordinary. I continued to swim off. I looked through every reef, underwater cave, anything. I didn't find anything. I was about to swim back to Mako until I saw him swimming with the dolphins. I decided to meet him. I used my ability to speed swim. Once I was close enough, I grabbed on to his tail. He thought that something was attacking him so he started to thrash his tail. I kept holding on. He decided to swim away, but it was too difficult for him. He started to spin around. I kept holding on. He turned around I saw his face. I let go. He just stared at me. He started to swim away. He was going as fast as he can. It felt like I'd seen him before. I swam back to Mako. I popped my head on the surface.

"Kahuna!! Blue!!! WAKE UP ALREADY!!!" I shouted at them. I started to splash water at them.

"What?" Blue mumbled while rubbing his eyes.

"I saw him!" I told them. Blue just stared at me.

"I did! Ask me something." I told him.

"Fine, what color is his eyes?" Blue asked.

"Green, and he is real. Would I ever lie to you?" I asked Blue.

"I don't know......YES!!!" Blue said. I frowned at him.

"What's the big idea? I'm trying to get some sleep!" Kahuna scolded at us.

"I saw him." I said to Kahuna.

"Where?!" Kahuna asked.

"In the ocean, but he swam off." I added.

"But you know how he looks like, am I correct?" Kahuna asked again.

"Yeah, why?" I asked him.

"We are going to look for him." Kahuna said.

"See, I told he's real!" I shouted at Blue. We dived under swam to Bruce's house. We surfaced and saw Neptune staring at us.

"What are you staring at?" Kahuna told the cat. Neptune walked away.

At Mako.....,....

Riley surfaced and saw the moon pool. He remembered the good times when his pod used to stay here. He swam to the edge. He looked down and saw combs that were made of oceanic materials. They were more. He remembered the merman who hanged on to his tail. He remembered his old friends, the comb reminded him of it. He used to like brushing his hair every minute. He looked at the top of the mountain. He wished that his pod had returned.

Wherever they are.........

I felt like there was something at Mako. I tugged on Kahuna's shirt sleeve.

"What?" Kahuna asked.

"We have got to get to Mako right now." I told him.

"Why?" Kahuna asked again.

"I don't know I just feel like something important is happening there." I added. Kahuna, Blue, and I jumped in the water. We swam to Mako really quickly. We saw something. When we surfaced, we saw the merman.

"What are you doing here?" Kahuna asked.

"I was about to ask the same question." the merman said.

"What's your name?" Blue asked him.

"Riley." the merman answered.

"Get out." Kahuna said.

"Why?" Riley asked.

"This is OUR home." Kahuna answered.

"I was here first, why aren't you with your pod?" Riley asked us curiously.

"We've been out cast." I said.

"My pod left me behind." Riley said while looking away.

"Why?" I asked him. He automatically turned toward me.

"That's none of your business." Riley said. He dived under and swam off.

"I wonder why his pod left him." I said out loud.

"Yeah, but he is gone now, and hopefully this would be the last time we would ever see him." Kahuna said to Blue and I.

Mako Mermans: Island of Mysteries *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now