Chapter 4: A Day with "Uncle Bruce"

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Chapter 4: A day with "Uncle Bruce"

I woke up. The guys were always sleeping. I picked up my brush and started brushing. I was still wondering why Bruce was away from his pod. There has to be a reason. I just can't put my finger on it. I decided to let the guys sleep in. I dived under and swam off to land.
I surfaced, and then I saw a fishing boat. I swam closer to it. I saw a huge net drop in the water. I dived under. I saw dolphins and turtles get caught in the net with the fish. I decided to help them. I swam up again. I saw a knife lying on the boat. I grabbed it and swam under. I was swimming as fast as I could. I grabbed on to the net. I started to cut. This net was made out of a strong material. Then the net started to tangle up with my tail. I tried swimming to see if it would let go, but I got tangled up even more. I tried to use the knife to cut the net, but it slipped out of my hand and cut my forearm. I was bleeding. I knew sharks could smell blood from miles away. And then the knife sank and it cut my bottom part of my tail. I was bleeding even more. I needed help and quick.
I started to daze off. I was thinking of the pod. I would never get to see them again. I let Kahuna and especially Blue down. Blue was my only friend. And I was his only friend. I was starting to run out of air. Yeah, merman can hold their breath for a long time, but cannot breathe underwater. Only the experienced, I mean the really old. They can probably stay underwater for days. For the young ones, like me, they can't do that. My vision started to become blurry. Then I saw something incredible. I saw a merman who looked like Bruce. I thought it was a hallucination. He swam closer. Then I blacked out.
Kahuna and Blue were taking a swim to Bruce's house. Then they saw a fishing net that was having problems rising. They saw dolphins and turtles and fish swimming away or escaping the net. Blue and Kahuna saw a merman, or mermaid tangled in the net, or sinking to the bottom with the net tangled around him/her. Kahuna saw the person closely. It was Reef. They swam at top speeds. When they got close enough they saw blood. Reef was bleeding out. Kahuna saw a knife on top of a rock. He grabbed. He started to cut the net. Blue saw sharks closing in. He pointed at the sharks to show Kahuna. He started to cut as fast as he can without cutting Reef. Finally, the net ripped. He grabbed Reef. Blue helped Kahuna carry Reef to the surface. They managed to surface.
"Come on Reef, wake up." Kahuna said while shaking Reef.
"Wake up!" Kahuna shouted while slapping me really hard. Then I started coughing. I was light headed. I felt faint. I was starting to daze off again.
"Blue, I want you to get Bruce. We need his help." Kahuna said.
"Ok, but what are you going to do?" Blue asked.
"I'll stay here with Reef. I got to hang on to him. If he faints, he will fall into the water and drown. I have to make sure the sharks go away, and make him stay awake and make sure he doesn't go into shock." Kahuna said. Blue nodded in agreement and dived under swam to Bruce's house as quick as he could. He knew that Reef's life depended on it. Once he got to land. He ran from the beach, through the neighborhood, and ran to Bruce's house. He started ring the doorbell really quickly, he wasn't responding. He started to knock on the repeatedly and yelling his name. He wasn't home. He remembered the school. He ran to the school. He started to run all over the campus. He went inside the building. He saw a sign that said MAIN OFFICE. He looked in inside. He saw Bruce talking to some adults. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He used his powers to unlock it. He heard a click. He opened and ran inside. He had to hurry. The adults turned around.
"Who is this handsome man?" the woman said.
"Blue, what's wrong?" Bruce asked.
"Do you know him?" the man asked.
"Yes, he is my nephew." Bruce replied.
"Maybe he can tell us about himself." The woman said while smiling.
"Uncle Bruce, there's an emergency. Kahuna and I need you immediately." Blue said really quickly.
"What happened?" Bruce asked Blue.
"It's Reef. He's very hurt. Come on, he needs us." Blue explained.
"Kahuna?" Bruce asked.
"With Reef." Blue said.
"Do you want me to call the hospital?" the woman said while pulling out her phone.
"No, I'll take care of it. Excuse me; I got to go to help my nephews." Bruce said while gathering his things.
"Of course, but still, I think you should call the paramedics." The woman said.
"If it's that bad, I will. I got to go." He said. Then he and Blue quickly arrived at his house and put down his things. Then Blue and Bruce jumped into the pool, and swam toward Kahuna and Reef. Finally, with a sigh of relief, he saw Bruce and Blue.
"How's Reef, what happened to him?" Bruce asked Kahuna while looking at Reef.
"I don't know, we found him in a fishing net, and he was bleeding." Kahuna said to Bruce.
"We got to get him to my house." Bruce said.
"Keep his head above water." He added. It took a long time, but managed to get to Bruce's house. I was lying on the couch, unconscious.
"Is he going to be okay?" Blue asked.
"He should be. I wrapped up his wounds." Bruce said while sitting at the edge of the couch.
"You two find something to eat or drink. I'll watch him. Here is some money." Bruce said while handing Kahuna some money.
"What is this?" Kahuna asked.
"It is something you can buy with. You need to give the right amount though. Be careful." Bruce added. Then Blue and Kahuna walked to the juice bar. Cassie saw them.
"Hey guys, where is Reef?" Cassie asked.
"He's not feeling well, so Uncle Bruce is taking care of him." Blue said.
"Ok, would you like to order something?" Cassie said while guiding them to a table.
"Sure, what do you serve here?" Kahuna asked.
"Here is the menu, and you can pick what you want." Cassie added.
"Ok, I want a mango and banana smoothie, and do you serve salads and seaweed?" Kahuna said.
"Yeah, would like salad with seaweed?" Cassie asked Kahuna.

"Yes, probably with fruits, and some ranch dressing." Kahuna added.
"I would like a soda, and what Kahuna is having." Blue said.
"Ok, that will be right up. I won't charge you guys, in fact, I will give you a free extra large salad. It's a get better present. You guys have a weird liking into food." Cassie said to them. Then she brought the food. Kahuna and Blue started to eat.
"I miss the pod. Do you miss pod?" Blue asked.
"I do miss the pod. Don't worry, once we fix this, we will be swimming with the pod again real soon." Kahuna said. Once they were done, they wrapped up the leftovers, grabbed their free lobster, and got a drink for Reef; they headed back to Bruce's house.
"How was lunch?" Bruce asked.
"Good, we got a salad made of seaweed and leftovers." Blue said while holding up the bag.
"You have a salad made with seaweed?" I asked.
"You're awake?" Blue asked.
"I woke up once the door shut." I said.
"Reef, what happened?" Bruce asked.
"Well, I was going to your house, when a fishing boat distracted me. I saw a net drop into the water. Dolphins, turtles and other animals were getting caught, so I decided to help them. I grabbed a knife from the boat, and used it to cut the net. The net was strong, and I got tangled in it. I tried swimming to see if it would let go, I just got even more tangled. I tried to use the knife to cut myself free. The knife slipped out of my hand, and cut my forearm. Then the knife fell to the bottom and sliced my tail. I started to daze off. Then I started to hallucinate. I swore I saw you swimming toward me to help. That's all I remember. Oh yeah, I blacked out afterwards." I said to them.
"Wait you said that I helped you?" Bruce said.
"Yeah, you did help me, right?" I asked him.
"I didn't, I was having a parent-teacher conference." Bruce said.
"You think it was another merman?" I asked.
"Could be." Bruce said. I just sat there.
"What, why are you staring at me?" I asked them.
"Come on, we got to get home." I said to them while standing up. Then we got to the pool.
"Reef, if your injuries are bothering you, come see me." Bruce added.
"Ok." I said to him. We jumped in the pool, and swam toward Mako.
I was brushing my hair. It was my daily routine. I couldn't wait to get some sleep. There was one thing I want to know. Who was the person who helped me?

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