Chapter 11: Saying So Long and Goodbye

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Chapter 11: Saying So Long and Goodbye

Blue's P.O.V

I swam after Reef. I wonder why he jumped in the water and swam away. I surfaced in the moon pool. I looked around.

"Reef! Where are you?!" I shouted. Then I saw this letter in the sand. But what I saw next broke my entire world. Reef's comb. He never leaves without it. I turned to the letter. I began to read it. It said:

Dear friends,

If you find this, that means that I have already left. I am sorry Blue. I don't want to leave you but I am in a dangerous spot right now. I will come back when the time is right. My mind needs healing and I don't want to snap on you. I miss the pod. I can't keep living like this. I have nothing to look forward to when the pod gets back. I am miserable. I am so sorry Blue. We had great times, but you have to move on now. I can't live like this anymore. It is painful and it is messing with my head. Blue, you are the best friend a person could ever have, also your the brother I never had. I will always be in your memories. I will probably never come back. Tell Kahuna to tell Riley that the deal is no more. He is free to go. I made great friends, but tell them I am gone forever. I am sorry Blue. This will be the last thing I will ever write. Tell the pod that I'll miss them and Kahuna. Tell Riley that he was a good friend. Tell Bruce that I said thanks for the help. But I can't keep living in pain. So, I am going to end it. So long and Goodnight.



I was in shock. No, this can't be happening. It can't be happening. Why would he do this to me?! He is my only friend! He just left me. I felt tears sliding down my face but I didn't care. I started to cry. I had just lost the only other brother I had. I didn't have Poseidon anymore, and now I had just lost Reef. Forever. He will never get to see the pod again. Also..he broke my promise.

"YOU BROKE OUR PROMISE!!!!" I shouted. I picked up Reef's comb and threw it to the wall. I broke down. This is all his fault. If he never came camping, none of this would be happening. I saw Kahuna surface with Riley. Kahuna saw me crying. He swam towards me. He hugged. I really need a shoulder to cry on.

"Blue, what happened?" Kahuna asked. I cried even more. Riley found the letter. I heard him swear under his breath. I pointed to the letter.

"THAT THING TOOK REEF AWAY FROM US!!!" Kahuna shouted. He was mad. I saw tears streaming down his face. I looked at Riley, he was crying as well. We all did a group hug. I can't give up now. I had to get the pod back. For me. For Kahuna. And For Reef.

"Let's go to Bruce's house and break the news." I told them. We dived down and swam to Bruce's house.

When we arrived, we knocked at his door. Heather opened it.

"Oh, hey guys. How are you doing?" She asked. I sniffed. It was obvious that the three of us were still crying.

"We are doing awful. We were going to talk to our Uncle Bruce, but you brought back a bad memory so thanks a lot!" Riley shot back. Heather gasped. Then Jack walked in. Wonderful. I cried even more. I can't take it anymore. Jack walked up.

"Hey Blue, what's wrong?" Jack asked walking up for a hug. Riley got mad and stepped in front of me. Wait, he hates merman. What happened?

"I suggest you step back." Riley snapped at him.

"What did I do wrong?" Jack asked getting defensive. Heather ran inside to get Bruce I suppose.


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