Chapter 10: My Deep Dark Secret....Yay....:(

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Chapter 10: My Deep Dark Secret....Yay...:(

I woke up screaming. I felt tears falling down my face. I was hyperventilating. I couldn't breathe.

"No! Get away from me! Please! Don't hurt me. D-Don't hurt me!" I shouted as someone approached me.

"Reef! It's me. Riley." Riley told me. I looked up. It was him.

"Reef, what happened? You started fighting back when I brought you to the surface. Then you blacked out." Riley asked me sitting next to me. I was on the verge to breaking down. I felt tears sliding down my face. Here's the thing, merman and mermaids don't change when they're crying. It's our tears and I don't know. But I can't tell him.

"I-I can't, I c-can't, I can't!" I sobbed. I wrapped my arms around my knees and put my head on my knees and began to cry. Great, I'm crying infront of someone. I never cry in public.

"Reef, what do you mean you can't?" Riley asked. I shook my head. Then Riley brought my in with a hug. Wow, he is hugging me. He hates our kind. Instead of saying 'thanks for the hug' and acting like everything was okay...I hugged back and began to cry on him. We can't transform from body fluids. Just to let you know.

"Reef, calm down. Everything is okay now." Riley reassured me. I shook my head. I completely lost it.

"Riley! What did you do to Reef?!" Kahuna shouted. I didn't want them to see me. I still felt lightheaded. I stood up way too quickly. I tried to run but I fell to the ground. My mind started to play tricks again. I saw something I dreaded approach me.

"No! No! Get away from me! Get a-away! GET AWAY!" I sobbed again. Blue looked at me with concern. I scooted away. I was crying like bucket loads, and I was hyperventilating. I was having trouble breathing.

"Reef, I thought you got over this." Blue said while crossing his legs. He was sitting criss cross. I shook my head. I was a wreck right now.

"I can't. I can't. I can't Blue, I just can't!" I explained. Blue hugged me. I cried on his shoulder. Blue is the only one who knows about it.

"Reef, what's wrong?" Kahuna asked. I shook my head.

"I can't tell you. I just can't Kahuna!" I sobbed.

"Why? Is it really that bad?" He asked.

"Yes Kahuna! It's that bad!" I shouted.

"Reef, calm down. It will be okay." Kahuna said. When I'm sad, I'm mad.

"Kahuna! It will NOT be okay!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry Kahuna. I didn't mean to yell at you."

"It's okay Reef." Kahuna told me.

"Reef what happened?" Riley asked.

"I can't, it would be too painful to relive." I told them. I sat there and remembered the whole day. That horrible day. Blue poked my shoulder. I turned toward him.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell them?" Blue asked me. I sighed.

"All you need to know is, that I made a very bad enemy that day." I told them. I looked off into space remembering and mentally reliving the event. It was an ordinary day. A storm was on its way. I was going to get Blue and swim back to Mako but someone stopped me. He was from another pod. He didn't like Poseidon. He hated Poseidon with a passion. He told me that he was out to get rid of him and take over the pod. I dived under to find Poseidon. I looked around but didn't find him. That is when I heard Blue scream for help and in agony. I swam to Blue and saw the merman strangle Blue. I knew Blue and I are the only rookies in the pod. And we can't breathe underwater for that long, so I swam under and picked up a rock. I threw at the merman. He let go of Blue. He started to chase after me. I swam away as fast I could. I swam toward a trench. I could feel the pressure getting to me. I was running out of air. I had to swim back to get air. When I was swimming to the surface, I saw my pod swimming away from the mermans pod. I saw Poseidon holding his trident. I surfaced. I never thought air was so refreshing. But I was pulled back down before I could hold my breath. I screamed. I was fighting back. He was stronger. Blue took Poseidon's trident and swam toward me. Blue started to stab him with the trident. He let go of me. He swam away. Blue grabbed on to me and swam toward the surface. I came back to reality. I jumped in the water.

When I surfaced, I swam toward the ledge. I began to cry. I wanted the pod back. I grabbed my comb and started to write in the sand.

Dear friends,

If you find this, that means that I have already left. I am sorry Blue. I don't want to leave you but I am in a dangerous spot right now. I will come back when the time is right. My mind needs healing and I don't want to snap on you. I miss the pod. I can't keep living like this. I have nothing to look forward to when the pod gets back. I am miserable. I am so sorry Blue. We had great times, but you have to move on now. I can't live like this anymore. It is painful and it is messing with my head. Blue, you are the best friend a person could ever have, also your the brother I never had. I will always be in your memories. I will probably never come back. Tell Kahuna to tell Riley that the deal is no more. He is free to go. I made great friends, but tell them I am gone forever. I am sorry Blue. This will be the last thing I will ever write. Tell the pod that I'll miss them and Kahuna. Tell Riley that he was a good friend. Tell Bruce that I said thanks for the help. But I can't keep living in pain. So, I am going to end it. So long and Goodnight.



I finished the letter and turned to the mountain.

"Goodbye Mako." I said to it. I dived under and swam away from the pain. Goodbye world, I'll miss you.



P.S. So Long and Goodnight

Mako Mermans: Island of Mysteries *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now