Chapter 9: Freaking Out + Bonding

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Chapter 9: Freaking Out + Bonding

I woke up and quickly brushed my hair. I dove under and swam toward land. Once I arrived, I walked around. That's until I reached a lawn, and the sprinkler sprayed water all over me. I tried to dry it...........boy, that was an ultimate fail. I flopped down to the ground. Great, I am on someone's lawn and exposed. Wonderful. I was going to turn invisible, until I felt extreme heat drying my tail. I stood up and saw it was Riley. Riley had that bored look on his face.

"Thanks Riley it-"

"Save it. I didn't want you to shipped off to a government lab on my watch." Riley said while looking at his thing called a phone.

"How do you use that thing?" I asked him. He put it in his pocket.

"You really shouldn't be worried about that. You need to get back to your pod. You don't belong here." He said to me.

"I am only here because I need to fix this Jack mess." I explained to him.

"I'll make a deal with you. I'll help you and your friends get your pod back." He said to me. I raised my eyebrow.

"What's the catch?" I asked him.

"You leave me alone once you are gone." he added. I sighed.

"Deal." I said while holding out my hand.

"It's a deal then." He said while shaking my hand.

"Don't tell the others about the deal." he added. I nodded. We walked to the juice bar. Cassie walked up to us.

"Hey Reef, and who is this?" she asked me.

"This is-"

"I'm Riley." Riley rudely interrupted me. Remember Reef, mingle don't strangle. Keep that in mind and you won't lose your sanity.

"Okay, did you just meet Reef?" she asked.

"Not really, we met before. But we got on the wrong foot." he said very normally. Wow that guy can lie. And I thought I was good liar.

"Okay. I'll see you guys later." Cassie said while walking off.

"Nice lying skills. I was the best liar from my pod." I told him. He chuckled and smiled. Creepy....

"My old friend was the best liar and taught me some skills." He added.

"How many friends did you have?" I asked him.

"Two. I had two friends. I miss them." He added while looking out the ocean.

"What were their names?"

"Good liar one, his name is Red. His ancestors were from the Red Sea. The other one name was Ray." he told me.

"Blue and Kahuna are the only friends I have." I said to him.

"Before the whole incident, Blue was my only friend. And I was his only friend. Kahuna and I didn't quite get along." I added.

"Hey Riley,"


"Did you save me when I got cut and stuck in the net?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Even though I don't trust merman, I can't leave them to die." He answered. We went to a water park. Luckily, Riley had money to pay for tickets. Then we faced an obstacle.

"Excuse me, but you have to be eighteen in order to get in." one of the workers said. I frowned. I really don't know my age. I really didn't need to know my age, but land people have all these rules. It is SO complicated.

Mako Mermans: Island of Mysteries *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now