Chapter 2: Getting Legs and Exploring Land

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Chapter 2 Getting Legs and Exploring Land

We just sat in the moon pool thinking of a plan. We were all shocked. I couldn't believe this was all happening.
"This is our home now." I said. Blue and Kahuna stared at me.
"What?" they both said.
"There is nowhere left for us. We have to stick together now." I added.
"Fine, but how are we going to Jack?" Blue asked. Kahuna saw his moon ring.
"Your moon ring can help us." Kahuna said. Blue and I gulped.

A few hours later.....

"How can you lug a tail across the beach?" I mumbled out loud. When we finally reached a good point we stopped. Then Blue put the moon ring on the rock.
"Nothing is happening." Kahuna said.
"Maybe we have to use powers on it." Blue said. Then we started to use are powers. Then the moon ring started to glow and then a flash happened.
We realized that we were standing and dry. I saw that I was the shortest of the three of us. Kahuna was the tallest.
"One thing I know is that we can't go looking like this." I said while the three of us was looking down. The sea breeze was cool. Then we jumped in the ocean and swam toward land.
The harbor was quiet and people were hanging up clothes on clothes line. A man was hanging up some of his son's clothes, and then he turned around to get another shirt and then saw some clothes missing. Along the harbor, clothes are starting to disappear.
We were just standing in the middle of the sidewalk.
"So how do you use these things?" Blue asked while looking at his legs.
"I don't know." Kahuna said.
"Well, we have to start learning fast." I said while trying to walk. Then I fell face first on the sidewalk.
"Ow." I said to my friends.
"Great, how are we going to find him now?" Kahuna said. After watching land people walk, we copied their walking motion. Then we came across an obstacle. We saw these weird machines that were waiting in place. We also saw a pathway. We were about to walk across, the machines went by very quickly.
"How are we supposed to get across?" Blue asked me and Kahuna. Then we saw this little land girl, she started to walk across. We hanged on to her, or followed her across the pathway.
"We made it!" Blue said to us. Then we continued to walk. We eventually got the walking thing down. It was hot; I don't know how land people can deal with this. Then we saw him walk into a juice place. We followed. It looked weird inside. There were a lot of land people inside. Then we spotted him.
"Okay we found him, what now?" I asked Blue and Kahuna.
"Simple, we zap him until his powers are gone, then we can get the pod back." Kahuna said.
"Is your answer always violence?" Blue asked Kahuna.
"Can I help you with something?" a land girl asked us.
"Who is that person sitting there in the blue shirt?" Kahuna asked her.
"Oh, that's Jack." The girl replied. She held out her hand to us.
"I'm Cassie. What are your names?" Cassie asked us.
"My name is Reef, this is Kahuna, and that's Blue." I said to her while shaking her hand. Kahuna just stood there with his arms crossed. Blue took a good long while shaking Cassie's hand.
"Thank you for the information." I said. I tilted my head back to the exit to my friends.
"It was nice meeting you Cassie." Blue said. Kahuna just pulled Blue away. Then we walked back to the beach, and then when no one was looking, we jumped in the water. We swam back to Mako. It was night time.
"What's the plan now?" Blue asked Kahuna. I lay back against the wall of the mountain while combing my hair.
"Easy, we find this Jack person, we zap him until he has no more powers, and we get the pod back." Kahuna explained to Blue.
"Come on, get some sleep now. We've got a big day tomorrow." I said to both of them. We started to get ready for bed, and then Blue asked me a question.
"Hey Reef, do you think we will get the pod back?" Blue asked.
"Honestly, I don't know. We have to do everything it takes to get home again." I answered. I just stared at the night sky hoping we get home.

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