3. Black Cat.

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"But stop the tape, the sunset still looks fake to me, the hero looks like he can't breathe, the damsel just left everything.
You're like a black cat with a black backpack full of fireworks and you're gonna burn the city down right now.
Close up camera two, because the hero dies in this scene. Your inspiration is the loss of absolutely everything."


When Seamus died, James lost the last thing he had, and then he lost his sanity. 

The memorial was one of the most depressing things any of the Creatures, or Kevin, had been to in quite a long time. They were all mentally preparing themselves for this, although when it happened, it was still a major blow in their mental stabilities and emotional states, and James had taken the hardest hit. 

When Seamus died, Jordan and Monica's marriage was an edge because he was never home and never there to hold her in bed at night anymore because all he ever did was stay up and think about his friend who was now gone forever. 

When Seamus died, Aleks and Kevin stopped speaking completely. Kevin fell into depression and then moved back to Washington, and Aleks fell into an alcoholism problem that he'd been trying to quit. 

When Seamus died, Dan said goodbye to the Creatures forever and closed his main channel because all they ever did was remind him of his friend. He has basically disappeared from the media sites in total. He couldn't face their fans. 

When Seamus died, Steven dropped out of college and moved back to Colorado, just to try and keep up with the group, he was the only one who kept his passion.

When Seamus died, Eddie had no one to stream with, so he stopped doing them. He never enjoyed making videos anymore and they obviously weren't as good as the ones he'd put up when one of his best friends was still alive. 

When Seamus died, Nick disappeared, and he's been considered to be dead. No one had heard from him in months.

When Seamus died, the Creatures' channel rarely ever posted anything and lacked in quality and in effort. They lost subscribers and fell off the face of YouTube.

When Seamus died, the fans mourned over him and most fell out of the fandom, They lost hope on the men, and they couldn't bare to watch yet another one of their beloved gamers fall to their awful demise.

When Seamus died, everyone split up and James spent most of his days visting his dead boyfriend at his gravesight every single day for two years. He, like Eddie, lost the passion. And now he is never home to care for himself because he camps out in the cemetery. It is the only thing that makes him happy, and it's the thing that's destroying him on the inside, as well. 

He loves to see Seamus every single day. He still loves his boyfriend, and he sometimes imagines that Seamus is still alive and walking and that he can still see his beautiful, smiling face, and wake up to his scent, and open his eyes every morning to see the same blond Irishman, first thing, whether they be at the hospital or at home.

James still likes to stop by the hospital every now and again, although he avoids the cancer patients. Even though Seamus didn't lose his hair, the disease only manifested itself in his heart, they all still looked so much like him. 

It's not out of disrespect or fear of them, but out of a deep rooted depression. God, he longed for his boyfriend so badly.

And he was sure that he would get to see him again, sometime soon, in the near future. He can feel it in his bones.

And so he likes to sometimes text Seamus to check for his replies, but they never seem to come around anymore. Regardless, he is always there, just not physically. All this time, the smaller man has been lingering over the men he left, watching over them and the fans to make sure that they wouldn't do anything that they would soon regret. 

And James swears, sometimes when he's sitting beside Seamus' gravestone, he can see the faint outline of the man sitting right there beside him.

Their hands forever holding the other. 

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