Neck and Neck

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Not edited 4/18/17

Keith was exploring the huge ship trying to get familiar with all the rooms and stuff while Lance watched him, he was basically stalking Keith. "Either you really hate me or you're a gay stalker." Keith spoke aloud to Lance who he knew was following him the whole time. "I am NOT GAY!" Lance said getting read in the face. "Okay so you just hate me?" Keith spoke turning around glaring at the Altean Prince. "Yes I do!" Lance said trying to get his blush under control. "You don't hate me I think you just hate my kind because you barely know me." Keith said unfazed by Lance. "Your kind destroyed my home." Lance replied to Keith who was slightly annoyed. "I didn't even know about that til recently!" Keith shot back. "So!"

"You're acting like a five year old!" Keith growled. "I am not!!" Lance said crossing his arms. Keith chuckled to himself and rolled his eyes. "Yea yea, well sense you are here mind showing me around everyone else is busy actually training or doing something important." Lance sighed and walked towards Keith. "Sure why not?"


"You showed him around? You did something nice?" Allura said giggling a bit. "Only because I was bored!" Lance tried to defend himself. "I hate that guy!" After Allura's giggling fit it got quite until Lance spoke again. "Listen, Allura I'm sorry for hurting you the other day. I was just mad." Lance rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Its fine." Allura said giving her brother a hug and smiling. " I understand Lance." Coran walked into the room. "Its been awhile sense you last talked to your father would you like to see him." The two siblings looked at each other and nodded.

The two walked into the room and their father appeared. "Hello children." He smiled at the two. "Hello father!" Allura smiled brightly. "Lance. Allura told me about the galra boy." Lance froze up a bit and looked at his dad. "Yea, I don't like the idea of it." Was all Lance said and then sat down. "You need to give him a chance. If the red lion choose him then there is something special about him." Lance nodded and looked back to his father. "Besides that how have you two been?" He asked. "We could be better if Lance would train more!" Allura ratted out Lance again. "Quiznak!" He muttered. All three of them laughed.


Keith sat in his room staring at the blade he had. Suddenly a loud knock was heard threw out his room. He hid the blade under his pillow and walked over to answer it. "Hey." Lance said looking at the galra boy. "Hey." Keith replied to him. "Do you wanna battle or something?" Lance asked him trying to be somewhat nice. "Sure why not." Keith grabbed his bayard and headed to the training room with Lance. It was quite on the way there. Lance remembered the conversation he had with his father alone after Allura left.


"Lance can I talk to you alone?" His father asked him. "Yea sure." Allura left leaving the two alone to discuss the topic. "Lance usually the blue and red lion pilots are female and male. Those two lions are connect in a different way. I am not sure why it picked a male this time around, is there something you want to tell me?" His father raised an eyebrow at his son. "Nope! Not at all nothing! I gotta go train see ya father!" Lance ran out of the room fast with a blush covering his face. "Oh quiznak.."


The blush from earlier returned to his face, does that mean he likes Keith or something? No way he is a galra! Lance thought to himself. He knew he was bisexual but would never admit it to the others or his father for that matter. Allura was the only one that knew about it though and she promised to keep it on the low. "Are you okay?" Keith asked Lance. "Yea! I am fine why do you ask!?" Lance said a little shock from the sudden question. "Because your whole face is bright red." Keith asked in a monotone voice. "Um I'm just really hot." Lance replied. "Yea in more ways then one." Keith said unknowingly. "What was that?" Lance had a small smirk growing on his face. Keith then noticed what he said. "I didn't say anything! Your ego must be getting to you or something!" Lance chuckled and kept walking. But what they didn't know what Allura was around the corner listening in on their conversation.  

Hurts Like Hell- Klnace Altean Lance X Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now