Chapter Thirteen

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Not edited 10/1/17


{Chapter Thirteen: Little Blue Boy}


Lance laid curled up next to Keith sleeping happily. Keith smiled as he watched his boyfriend cuddled up next to him. The door opened the reveal Allura smiling. "Hello Keith." Allura said as she watched the two. "Hey." Keith responded. "Is he sleeping okay?" Keith nodded and turned to look at her. "Thank goodness I always had a hard time getting him back to sleep after a nightmare." Allura sighed and spoke again. "Keith I wanted to thank you." Said boy looked confused and questioned her. "Why?" He felt Lance moved closer to him. "Because you make Lance happy, I have never seen my brother so happy and smiling so much in his life, even around our mother." Allura chuckled as she thought back to her dear mother.

"I doubt I make him that happy." Keith smiled and looked at Lance. "Of course you do! He tells me all the time!" Keith blushed and chuckled. "Anyway I'll leave you too, but thank you Keith for making him so happy." Keith nodded and watched Allura leave the room. Lance opened his eyes and looked at Keith. "She is so embarrassing sometimes!" Lance hid his face. Keith laughed and kissed Lance. "You were awake?" Lance nodded. "Yes her loud mouth woke me up!" Keith laughed softly as Lance whined. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mhm, because you were here!" Lance started to kiss Keith. It was evolving into a make out session until a certain galra girl walked in. "Hello boys! I hope I am not interrupting something." Jess smirked and let out a small chuckled. "Yea you kinda were!" Lance growled. "Oops sorry! Anyway, Keith do you want to train with me?" Lance grabbed the covers and wrapped himself in them again ignoring the annoying girl. "No, I already told you I am spending the day with Lance. Go away." Jess let out an annoyed sound and sighed. "Fine!"

Jess walked out of the room and pulled out her phone device, she had serval texts from Lotor. He knew better then to text her during the day. She rolled her eyes and stuffed the phone back in her pocket, she needed to find Kolivan and take him out. He was onto her. She couldn't let that happen now, not when she was so close. Lotor would praise her if she got this done for him. "Jessica." Just the man she was looking for. "Yes?" She spun around and smiled at the galra in front of her. "Where have you been all day?" He asked raising a brow at her. "I have been getting to know the paladins! I want to be friends with them!" Kolivan nodded and passed her.


Lance was exhausted, he was suppose to take it easy but Keith had other ideas in mind. Not that Lance didn't agree with them but man he was sore everywhere. "Did I wear you out?" Keith chuckled kissing Lance softly. "I think you broke me." Lance whined as pulled the blanket over his exposed chest. "Good." Lance laughed and kissed Keith back. "I'm sore everywhere Keif!" Keith pulled Lance closer to him and hid his face in his neck. "Your ears are fluffy." The tan prince smiled feeling the soft fur on them. Keith started purring as Lance scratched them. Lance liked when Keith purred, it was so cute.

"We have been in here all day, do you think everyone will wonder what s going on?" Lance mumbled to Keith. "No, they all saw how tired you were this morning so I doubt that." Lance nodded. "Hey, um Lance?" The raven haired boy asked. "Hmm?" Lance responded. "Can you tell me stories about your family from when you were younger...if you want!"  Keith said all flustered. "Of course I will!" Lance got really hyped.


Young little Lance sat next to his older sister and watched her play with some of the animals around the castle. "You are so good with them sissy!" Lance said smiling. "Really? You think?" Lance nodded at his sister jumping up. "Children?" Lance face grew in excitement as he heard his mothers voice. "Mama!" Lance squealed and ran towards the altean queen. "Hello my little blue boy!" She giggled and hugged him tightly. "Mother! How was your trip?" Allura asked smiling brightly. "Yes it was amazing! You wouldn't believe the wonderful things I saw, your father is home as well." Lances mother out him back on the ground and messed with his hair. "Are the lions here as well!?" Lance laughed. "Yes they are and so are the Paladins!"

Allura and Lance both cheered when they saw Alfor. "Father!" Both children yelled running towards there parents. "I wanna see Blue! I like hearing her purr!!" Lance yelled excited. "You have a very good connection with the blue lion! Maybe one day you could be her paladin." Alfor said to his son. "Yea!" Allura stood next to her mother and chuckled at her younger brother. "Lets go say hi shall we?"


Lance was sitting in the study room with Allura and Coran. Both of the Altean teens were listening to Coran go on about how the castle was built by his grandfather or something. Lance sighed and leaned back on his chair. "Coran, this is very nice story but shouldn't we be learning about other things?" Allura said getting the gingered mans attention. "Oh yes! Thank you Princess!" Lance suddenly fell out of his seat. It was silent for a moment til Lance started laughing at himself and soon the other two joined in on them.


Lance was laying in the grass staring up at the sky. His mother was next to him. "Lance baby whats wrong?" His mother asked running her hands threw her sons hair. "Blue stopped speaking to me, like she knows something bad is about to happen..." Lance sighed and closed his eyes. "I'm sure its nothing darling, everything is going well with Zarkons project!" Lance nodded and smiled softly. "Besides my strong little blue boy, and whatever happens you will protect us."


HAHA TWO CHAPTERS I had these ones written for a while its just I never got to post them because I have been so busy, anywho I hope you enjoyed them!!

Words- 1053

Hurts Like Hell- Klnace Altean Lance X Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now