Chapter Eleven

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I will never get around to edit this sig- yes I will -unedited

Short chapter sorry

(AND DON'T SAY ANYTHIG BAD ABOUT KEITH'S SISTER. I wanted to add family drama with keif hehehe)

{Chapter Eleven: Mama Kogane}

"Jess please- get- contact- Kolivan-" Screams echoed throughout the room. Jess covered her ears, her mother had gotten taken during the invasion. "Mom." Jess sighed and walked over to the computer and started to type a message. Her ears laid twitch a bit as she heard walk in the room. "General Jessica, Kolivan has requested to meet with you. It seems he has mad an alliance with Voltron." Jess swiveled around in her chair and face her guard. "Tell him I'll be there soon."


"So who is this general?" Lance asked laying on the couch with Keith. "Its Zara's daughter, she was born on earth like Keith but she has a more galra look to her." Kolivan stood by the door waiting for the message if she had arrived. "So you are saying Keith has a sister?" Pidge replied. "I'm not sure, but I would assume so." Suddenly the door opened to reveal a girl, a galra girl to be exact. She had long purple hair and golden almost yellow human eyes. Her ears were like Keith's, she also had a nice figure. "Kolivan we need to find my mother. Now." She demanded. "Calm down Jess-"

"Don't fucking call me that right now I am-Keith!" Her mood changed instantly as she saw the red paladin laying on the couch. She walked over to him smiling. "Mother told me so much about you, although she said you looked more human. Did your galra gene finally take over! Oh Mother will be so over joyed!" Keith was confused and scared. Lance hugged Keith tighter and glared at the girl. "I don't know you, and how can I be sure you are my sister and Zara is my mother? How do you even know me?"

The girl sighed and glanced over at Kolivan. "He." The teenage girl pointed to the other galra. "Told mother that there was this human with voltron that looked oddly familiar." Lance glared at the female in front of him. "You must be Prince Lance, I am so sorry for just barging in. I had to see that fucker over there." Pidge laughed loudly and fell over. "I like her!"

Allura, Shiro, and Hunk walked into the room. "Whats going on?" Allura asked looking around. "Keith has a sister!" Pidge shouted getting off of the floor and walking over to Shiro. "Sense when?" Hunk asked taking a seat. "Sense always, Hello Paladins I am General Jessica. Please call me Jess though, not you Kolivan!" Pidge laughed again, Shiro looked down and gave her the dad look. "Well that's nice." Allura smiled.

Lance moved Keith off of him and got up. "I'm going to my room, I'm tired." Lance said and started to walk away. "Okay but now we need to focus on getting my mom back." Keith sat up and watch Lance walk away. "Our-"

"I don't trust you Jessica, sorry." Keith said and stood up as well. "Now I need to go check on Lance." He started to chase after the Altean prince. Jess was beyond confused. "Is he always like that?" Everyone nodded.


"Now darling tell me. Where is Voltron?" Hagger paced back and forth slowly. "Like hell would I put my sons safety at risk." Zara spat out at the witch. "You will tell me, or else."

"Or else what?"

"You're about to find out."


HAHA DONE FUCK YEA, OKAY Tell me your thoughts on Jess, do you like her? Or should I just kill her off? Anyway I am making a book two of this so get ready for that, ya'll we only have like four more chapters of this book hahahaA oh well

Also I changed my name to Jaxon_Ship

so its not Lunar_Ship

fun fact for all you fans out there who read more of my books HAHA I also have a voltron X reader book so check that shit out. Good day

684 Words

Hurts Like Hell- Klnace Altean Lance X Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now