Happy Birthday Lance!!

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Not edited 7/28/17

((That picture was so cute ^^))


Lance sighed happily, he was snuggled up closely to Keith or he thought. He lazily lifted his head to see Keith wasn't there. The altean rolled his eyes and plopped back into bed, out of all days Keith should be snuggling with him, it was their day off from all training and voltron related things. Grabbing the sheets he mad himself a burrito fort with the soft blankets and snuggled with himself. He didn't need Keith to keep warm, but he did love his fluffy ears laying in between the crook of his next. A frustrated groan erupted from Lance as he threw the sheets off.

Getting up out of bed he quickly went to go do his daily morning routine, that took almost two hours, which Keith said was 'Really pointless'. Lance just liked to look his best around Keith and others, what could he say? "Hey Lance are you up yet?" A voice sounded threw his room. "Yea babe, I'm almost done getting ready." Keith rolled his eyes at that comment but was soon replaced with a small smile.

The bathroom door slid open to reveal Lance dressed and groomed. Keith walked over to him and peck his lips quickly. "Happy Birthday Lance." Keith pulled out a small white box with a blue ribbon on it. "What is it?" Lance raised his eyebrow. "Just open it dork." Keith said handing him the box. Lance opened the box very quickly throwing the ribbon and wrapping on the floor. He popped opened the lid to reveal a small key chain with half of a red heart that said 'Keith' on it. "Where is the other half of it?" Lance questioned.

Keith pulled out the other half of the heart except it was blue and said Lance on it. "How did you? When did you?" Keith smirked and put the chain in his pocket. "Allura helped me."


That was cute ^^

Tbh it was just a filler cause it might take me a few more days to get this next chapter done sense its a bit longer and I half to work on writing my fight scenes ahahahaha anyway it was a short sweet thing for Lance because I love him so much? Like to much? Not as much as Keith but still I love both my babies so much I could just go on and on and on and on and on- Okay I am ranting again!! ANyway good day my little moons~

Hurts Like Hell- Klnace Altean Lance X Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now