Chapter 2

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I woke up to the voice of Sehun. “  Enalynn Marie~ Wake up, we’re here.” I was lying on his shoulders. I immediately got up and yawned, I rubbed my eyes and asked where Chen went.

“The M members went off earlier at some studio, they’re appearing on a Chinese show today. Chen told me to sit beside you so Chan doesn’t bother you.” Said Sehun.


“Yeah, come on.” Sehun smiled and lead me out of the van.

Once in the dorm and in my room, I took out my cellphone and texted Chen, “You abandoned me Chen.  How am I supposed to deal with Chanyeol alone now? >.>” After I pressed send, I received a text message from EXO’s Manager.

“AH.” I yelled.

I could hear the footsteps of someone running and a head popped up at the room door, it was Sehun, “What happened?”

“Oh.. No.. Your manager, he wants me to prepare a song for the Korea-China friendship concert thingy. There’s only 3 days left. That’s not enough time for a new song!” I sat on my bed.

Sehun entered the room and sat beside me, “Well, I’m sure you can do it. I’ll help you.”

“You’ll help me?” I laughed. Sehun may look great and all but he definitely can’t write songs. “I wish at least Lay was here.” I sighed.

“Yah, have more faith in me will you.” Sehun pulled my cheek. As I rubbed my cheek and said “Ow”, I  saw a pair of eyes at the door. I was trying to get a closer look but Sehun distracted me, when I turned back, it was gone.

“Focus.” He said snapping his fingers.

“Oh umm, okay. He says he wants something that can showcase your talents and things like that.” I took out my notebook and flipped to a fresh new page and sighed.

“3 days is definitely not enough...” I got worried, what if I couldn’t come up with a song in time…

“Maybe you don’t necessarily have to write a new song?”

“What do you mean?”

“Look at Girls Generation, do you really think Dancing Queen and Run Devil Run were fresh new songs? They just remade the song. Maybe you could do that.” Said Sehun.

“Don’t I need permission and things like that?” I asked. What Sehun had was a good idea.

“I’m sure you could ask our manager to get the permission and things.”

“Oh... But what song should we do?” I asked. It feels like we’re back to step one, getting a song.

Sehun lied down on the bed and closed his eyes, “Something that represents Korea?”

“You’re spotting the obvious Sehun ah.” I put my face in my hands, “It feels like I’ll never get this done.”

Sehun hugged me from behind and whispered, “You’ll get it done, I believe in you.”

At that moment, the door opened, “What are you guys doing?” Asked Chanyeol.

Sehun suddenly kissed my cheek, “What do you think?” He smirked.

“YAH!” Yelled Chanyeol.

I faced Chanyeol and yelled, “What’s your problem? No one asked you to come here and start yelling! Who cares if we’re hugging or kissing or whatever? I have a god damn song to find or compose and complete in 3 days, I don’t need you to be yelling like an insensitive prick at a time like this!”

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