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Chapter Two

My head was spinning the entire ride home. I had no idea what to think. The alcohol had worn off - I couldn't possibly be drunk. Everything had to be real. I mean, I did actually have a cut underneath my jacket. It was red with blood, and when I touched it, I felt pain. But it was incredibly hard to believe that I had been cut by some demonic twin of Mark's. Maybe I was making parts of it up in my mind...I decided that had to be it. That was all I could accept as I laid down in my bed that night, exhausted from everything that had happened.

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I luckily didn't have a hangover, and I had been able to sleep in late. I caught Allison as she was heading out the door.

"'Morning," I greeted her as I poured myself a glass of water.

"I guess it technically is still morning, isn't it? How're you feeling?" She checked her reflection in the hallway mirror, fixing a piece of her blonde hair that had moved out of place.

"Fine, I don't have a hangover. How about you? How late did you guys stay out?" I questioned her.

"We were only out for another 45 minutes or an hour before we came home. I have a bit of a headache, but I'm alright. I'm heading out to lunch with Suzy, so I'll probably feel better after eating and drinking some water. The medicine will probably kick in soon, too."

"Hopefully, that'll help. Have fun!"

I stepped into the shower once Allison had left. The hot water splashing onto my skin felt good, but this morning I couldn't seem to shake the feeling of uneasiness. I felt fine at first, but I soon felt like I wasn't the only one in the apartment. In fact, I almost felt like I wasn't even the only one in the bathroom...

I couldn't hear anything other than the water hitting the tub, and it was impossible to tell if anyone was in there with me unless I moved the shower curtain or peeked around it. I had seen plenty of horror movies in my lifetime, and the idea of actually checking to see if anyone or anything was there wasn't exactly appealing. But I was probably just being paranoid, right? There was no way someone could have entered the bathroom without me knowing, anyways. Especially since I always locked the door and i would have heard the handle jiggling if someone tried to unlock it. Even so, I snatched my razor off of the shelf. It wasn't much, but I somehow felt safer with it in my hand.

I clutched the shower curtain and took a deep breath before slowly pulling it back a bit and peeking my head out. I saw nothing at first, but I heard a familiar deep voice.

"Good morning, Mads."

I was so startled that I almost slipped and fell, and I swear my heart skipped a beat or two. I held my razor out in defense mode, now able to see that Dark was leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed, casually hanging out next to the towel rack.

"A razor, really? That's how you planned on defending yourself?" he scoffed.

"Sorry, would you rather me use a shampoo bottle? Or an even better question - what the FUCK are you doing in my bathroom?!"

"I needed to talk to you. This is a lot more fun than knocking on your door," he explained.

"How did you even get in here? Everything's locked and I didn't even hear you."

"I'm not a human, remember? The basic laws of physics don't necessarily apply to me. I don't have to unlock anything to get in," he smiled evilly. "But anyways, I'd suggest you finish getting ready. We're going to the coffee shop."

"Why?" I questioned him, confused.

"Mark will be there, and you're my girlfriend. Don't tell me you already forgot about our deal."

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