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Chapter Twelve

"Have you ever had a photoshoot before?" I asked Dark as I sifted through photos on my camera. I had the urge to go out and do some impromptu photography and I figured he would be the perfect subject.

"I've never really had the need or want to have my picture taken, so no," he responded dully, crossing his arms.

"Then we should have one! I suggested. Dark raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but I spoke again before he could complain. "It'll be fun, I promise. You can wear your favorite suit."

"Fine. I'll go get it." He teleported home and within seconds, he was back in my room, already in the suit.

"Alright, I know you can teleport, but how'd you get changed so quickly?" I wondered, thoroughly confused.

"I can change my clothes with the snap of my fingers. Jealous?" he smirked.

"Yeah, a little! How come you've never done that before? Is that something new you learned?"

"No, I've been able to for a long time, I just don't always find it necessary. I don't mind actually changing my clothes like a human most of the time," he explained. I still couldn't believe I had never known he could do that. It made me wonder what other crazy things demons like him could do that humans couldn't, but I had a feeling it was probably best that I didn't know everything.

Dark and I headed downtown to start the shoot. I didn't normally choose creepy alleys to take pictures in, but for him, it was perfect. We got some pictures in front of artwork and sculptures and one with the skyline in the background as well. As unenthusiastic as Dark had been about the photoshoot idea, he was a natural in front of the camera and actually didn't seem to mind posing for pictures.

"Alright, let's head to your place now," I suggested once I had a few good shots outside.

"What for?" Dark asked suggestively, grabbing me by the waist.

"An indoor photoshoot, of course. You have cool furniture and a great color scheme, plus your house is always so unnaturally clean and neat," I realized. His place honestly would be ready for a magazine photoshoot at any time on any given day and he wouldn't even have to pick anything up. I wished I could be that tidy on a regular basis.

"I like to look nice and the same goes for my house, what's wrong with that?" he questioned me.

"Nothing. I've just never met anyone who cares as much about presentation as you. It's good for pictures, though, so I'm not complaining."

Once we were at his house I set up my equipment for indoor pictures and we began in the living room. I posed him on his leather couch and chairs and then on his grand staircase. We ended the shoot in his bedroom where I really had fun with it.

"Alright, mess your suit up a little," I commanded him. He looked at me like I had just asked him to kick a puppy.

"What do you mean, mess it up?" he questioned me, straightening his jacket and tie as he spoke.

"We're in a bedroom, Dark. Pretend it's been a long day and you're winding down and getting ready for bed. Loosen your tie, undo a button or two."

"Fine, if I must," he said through clenched teeth. I got a shot of him messing with his tie by the window with natural light streaming in. Then I had him take his tie off and undo another button to show off a bit of his chest. I had to admit that as good as he looked in his perfect suit, it was kind of sexy to see him looking a little more casual in it for once.

"Now what should I do, take off my jacket? My belt? Am I supposed to be losing an article of clothing for every picture we take from now on?" he sassed me. I rolled my eyes and suppressed a laugh.

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