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Warning: This chapter includes mature content.

Chapter Six

I found myself in the driveway of a beautiful and sizable house on Friday night. Dark sure did well for himself somehow, blending in with humans. I was sure the inside of the place was just as nice as the outside, and I didn't want to hesitate to find out. I got out of my car and made my way towards the front door, replaying our earlier conversation in my head.


"I thought about going somewhere with you again, but we've done nothing but go out for our dates. Why not just have a night in for once? We could order takeout and watch movies or something," Dark had proposed, interrupting my photo editing like he always did.

"You mean here, at my apartment? A movie night might be hard unless we want to explain some things to Allison," I told him.

"Actually, I was thinking you could come to my place."

"Wow, you waited until the fourth date to invite me into your place! I thought it was usually the third date," I realized, laughing softly.

"Well, as you know, I'm a complete gentleman. I wouldn't want to take things too quickly," he smiled.

"Right. Well, that sounds fine to me, I guess. I can't argue with movies and takeout."

So it had been decided - Chinese takeout, loungewear, and a few stacks of movies to choose from.


I rang the doorbell and just a moment later, the door opened and Dark appeared on the other side. I had never seen him in such casual clothes - he was dressed in a black t shirt and gray joggers. But we had decided on dressing comfortably, after all. I had worn joggers myself, along with a tank top.

"Good evening," Dark greeted me. "Come on in." He stepped aside so I could enter his home, and I was just as impressed with the inside of it as I was with the outside. The place was decked out with gorgeous furniture, and everything was either white, black, gray, or red. The kitchen and living room were both incredibly spacious, and there was a dining room with one of those long rectangular tables meant for a large group of people. Everything seemed to be high quality and up-to-date, and the house was very neat and tidy. I had to say, I was impressed. I almost wished I could move in, but living with Dark wasn't exactly what I wanted - just the house would be fine.

"You seriously live here?" I asked, taking in my surroundings.

"No, I just murdered the people who live here earlier and moved myself in," he replied.

"Honestly?" He had been joking, but I couldn't tell at first. He smirked at the fact that I was seriously questioning him.

"No. Believe it or not, I do have less sinister ways of getting what I want. I haven't killed anyone to have nice things."

"You've just threatened to kill people to have nice things. Right?" He neither confirmed nor denied my guess, but his smile said it all. That was how he was getting what he wanted with me, wasn't it? Not killing anyone, but threatening to? It wasn't like he wasn't willing to murder, but he obviously didn't get his hands that dirty if he didn't have to.

"So, Chinese food?" Dark asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah. I was thinking maybe that China Express place - their food is pretty good," I suggested.

We called and put in an order for delivery and went through our movie options. Unsurprisingly, Dark owned a lot of horror films, and we picked out our favorites. A scary movie marathon with a demon - what a way to spend a Friday.

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