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Chapter Five

My head felt heavy when I woke up the next morning. I couldn't believe the events of the night before. I had somewhat enjoyed my date with Dark, and I had kissed him more than once. What had I been thinking?!

This was nothing more than a deal with a demon to keep myself and everyone I loved safe, alive, and healthy. It was never supposed to be anything more than that, and it wasn't going to be anything more. It couldn't be. Dark was sick and twisted, I knew that. He was stuck in a body that looked like my attractive ex-boyfriend, and that had to be the only reason I was acting so stupid. I was just missing Mark. Or at least, that was what I was telling myself.

Mark's POV

I was just getting back inside after taking Chica out for a walk when Dark confronted me. He had sent me photos the night before of him and Maddy out on a date, and I had feared that he might show up somewhere when I didn't respond. He was leaning up against my kitchen counter as if he owned the place, and it disgusted me.

"How'd you like the pictures I sent you?" Dark questioned me, almost mockingly.

"I don't care about anything that comes from you," I replied, hanging Chica's leash up on its hook.

"You never got the chance to take her to The Lighthouse, did you? It's a shame. She seemed to really enjoy it. We both had a great time."

"You don't care about her. You only had a great time because you know you're hurting people in the process," I seethed.

"Well, I'm not hurting her. You know, I think Maddy's actually beginning to warm up to me," Dark purred, satisfied with himself.

"And how are you manipulating her into doing that?" I wondered.

"I wouldn't call it manipulation. I took her out to a nice restaurant, I showed her a good time, and I was a complete gentleman. I even walked her to her apartment and said goodnight properly."

"You're no gentleman, and that's where the manipulation comes in. But Maddy's a smart girl, she knows you're bad news. I don't care what you say, she's not going to fall for your lies and acting," I promised him.

"I guess she's a good actress, then. She kissed me back and everything. Even kissed me more before I could pull away...she made it hard for me to leave. But, you're probably right. She's not falling for it." Dark's malicious grin sickened me. I wanted to punch him in the face, but I knew physical contact would only get me in trouble, and yelling would be no use. I was so angry that my whole body shook with rage, but I said and did nothing.

"Well, I just thought I'd update you. I'll let you get to work - it's your usual recording time, right?" I didn't answer him. Instead, I let my eyes drift to the floor. "I'll be back with another update soon," he added.

When I looked up again, Dark was gone, and I relaxed my hands, which were balled up into tight fists at my sides. I wished I had a punching bag - maybe I needed to invest in one with everything that was going on lately.

Maddy's POV

I was editing photos a couple days after our dinner date when Dark showed up again. He scared me half to death - I had my headphones on with music blasting and I was working intensely at my desk when he tapped me on the shoulder. I was sure my heart missed a few beats until I realized it was just him.

"Jesus, when are you going to learn how to knock?!" I exhaled, tightly clutching my chest in alarm.

"I did, you had your headphones on."

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