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Chapter Sixteen

I awoke to the brightness of the morning sun streaming in through the blinds. It took me a moment to realize that Dark's room had blackout curtains, not blinds. When I was awake enough to remember that, I rubbed the crusties out of my eyes and looked around. This was not Dark's bedroom. It was a hotel room. Specifically, the hotel room that Mark and I had gotten together. What the hell was I doing there?

I turned and expected to see Dark next to me - he was who I went to bed with, after all. But instead, I saw Mark. His eyes were open, but something wasn't right. He wasn't moving. Or breathing.

"Mark?" I shook him, then noticed something crimson soaking the crisp white blanket. I ripped it off of him and realized it was blood.

"You can't keep secrets from me," Dark's voice spoke, startling me. I now noticed that he was sitting in one of the chairs by the window, with a bloody knife in his hand.

"You did this?!" I cried, tears beginning to stream down my face.

"You broke our deal. You were supposed to be with me, not Mark," he seethed.

"The deal was to pretend to be your girlfriend. You never specified that I had to be completely loyal to you in our fake relationship," I retorted angrily.

"I specified that the point of our deal was to fuck with Mark in order to break him. Obviously he's not going to be broken if you're just fucking him! And he knew that he was not to mess with what we had. So he got what he deserved and so did you!" Dark roared.

"Well, I hope you're happy," I answered coldly, tears slipping down my chin.

"Oh, I will be. Once you've been fully punished," Dark decided, standing up and making his way towards me.

"What do you mean, fully punished? You killed someone I love! How could you possibly hurt me any more than you already have?"

"Well, by torturing you, of course. Oh, and by killing everyone else you love. That was what I said I'd do if our deal was broken, remember? But don't worry, nobody else will die yet. Not until you've begun to get used to life without Mark...then I'll open the wound again with another death."

"You're such a fucking monster!" I screamed, unable to control my emotions.

"We've been over this before, Mads. I'm a demon with no morals. It's best not to mess with me."

With that, he plunged the knife into my skin.


I awoke with a start, my breaths heavy and beads of sweat on my forehead. I took in my surroundings. I was in Dark's bedroom. There was no knife in my body or blood on me, just a few hickeys from the night before. Dark was laying next to me, slowly waking up from my sudden movement. It was just a nightmare, thank god!

"'Morning, babe," Dark yawned.

"Morning," I said shortly, pinching myself to make sure I really was awake this time.

"Is everything okay?" Dark pried, now aware of my anxiousness.

"Yeah, I just...had a weird dream," I told him.

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

"No, I barely remember the details now. It just took me a minute to fully wake up from it. I'm okay," I assured him, definitely not wanting to discuss it with him. I was terrified enough that he might somehow find out about Mark and I without crap like this happening.

"Alright. So, did you have fun last night?" Dark snaked his arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Yeah, last night was great. Except that now I have to cover these up so I don't get interrogated by everybody," I said, pointing to the bruises on my neck and near my collarbone.

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