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Chapter Ten

Weeks later, Mark and I still weren't talking. I hadn't even seen him around - I assumed he was trying to stay away from me as much as possible. Of course, he couldn't escape Dark, who I was sure reported to him every time we hung out. But Dark and I were on good terms. I still occasionally had dreams about him getting dangerous, but when I acted weird around him and explained why, he promised he'd never hurt me unless I disobeyed him. I kept my cool around him, so he didn't lose his temper on me. We continued going out and spending time together, sneaking around Allison when we had to. But lately, we'd been spending most of our time together at Dark's place, where we were always alone and we had the freedom to do anything.

I was relaxing in my room one night when I got a text from Dark.

Dark: Mind if I pop over there?

Me: Go ahead, I'm in my room.

Seconds later, he appeared in front of me, looking comfortable in charcoal gray sweats.

"You actually asked before showing up. That's a step up for you," I commented, putting my TV on mute.

"Yeah, I like being considerate every once in a while. You busy?"

"Nope, I'm done with work for the day. Why, did you have something in mind?" I asked.

"You could always come over. I'd say we could stay here but I think your roommate might get suspicious when she hears you yelling my name," he smirked, raking a hand through his black hair.

"Who said I'd even want to do anything like that?" I questioned him, furrowing my brows. He eyed a Victoria's Secret bag next to my bed that I had forgotten to put away.

"I don't know, it looks like you got something new that you might want to model for me," he noticed.

"It's just clothes, nothing sexy," I lied. I hadn't expected him to snatch the bag before I could grab it and pull out its contents which included lacy red lingerie.

"Tiny lingerie in my favorite color? Seems pretty sexy to me," he said.

"I like red too, you know. Sometimes I just like wearing stuff like this around my room to feel good," I confessed.

"Sure, alright," he replied, clearly unconvinced.

"I'm being honest! But..."


"But I wouldn't mind wearing it for you sometime..." He smiled.

"How about tonight?" he suggested, looking hopeful. "I mean, you don't have to, of course. We don't have to do anything if you don't want to. I just get hot and bothered imagining you wearing things like this..."

I really liked seeing him turned on like he clearly was now...going over to his place couldn't hurt.

"I want to come over. Let me just go get changed into these and then I'll meet you in the parking lot," I decided.

"Actually, meet me back in here. There's a much faster and more efficient way to get to my place."

"What, going out the window or something? I don't think that would work very well considering the fact that this isn't a ground floor apartment," I reminded him, puzzled.

"No, of course not. You can teleport with me," he corrected me.

"I...I can?" I always thought that was just something he could do. I never expected him to be able to take people with him. He had never offered so I guessed it just wasn't possible.

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