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Chapter Eleven

As interesting as Dark kept things and as much as I enjoyed my time with him, it wasn't much longer before I began to feel like there was something missing from my life. Work was going good, things were fine with Allison, and Dark was always surprising me. But Mark and I still hadn't spoken in quite a while. I found myself missing him, and watching his videos and keeping up with his social media only made me miss him more. I didn't want to reach out to him again - if he hadn't even attempted to respond to my apology by now, he probably didn't want to talk to me and wouldn't respond anyways. But I desperately wanted him to reach out to me.

What Dark offered was completely different than what Mark brought to the table. Sure, I had fun with Dark. He took me out on good dates, complimented me, and made me feel good physically. But he also scared me. Nobody who's willing to kill me or my loved ones could possibly love me or really care much at all. As much as I hated to admit that, deep down, I knew it was true. But even though Mark and I were just friends, I still felt safe around him, and comfortable. He was always going to be there for me. He never stopped caring, and probably never would. At the end of the day, nothing about Dark could ever compare to that.

So, I finally cracked. I decided I would have to reach out first, and I did.

Me: Hey, I know it's been a while, but can we talk?

I figured if I got an answer at all, it might take a few hours or even a day. But to my surprise, Mark actually responded just a few minutes later.

Mark: Yeah, I'd like that.

Me: Coffee shop?

Mark: Or you could maybe come over? We could still have coffee. And I have Irish Creme!

I was surprised by Mark yet again. I hadn't been to his place since we had broken up. Going there would feel almost intimate, like it was back to the old days and we were together again. But I didn't want to seem like something as silly as going to his house for coffee would bother me, so I agreed.

Me: That's pretty tempting, you know Irish Creme is my favorite...

Mark: So...?

Me: Alright, I'll come over. What day and time?

Mark: Tomorrow at 10?

Me: Sounds great, I'll see you then.


I was slightly nervous as I walked up to Mark's front door the next morning. I wasn't sure why, but that sinking feeling in my stomach was definitely there. I guess I just didn't know what to expect from this meet up. Was he still angry at me? We hadn't actually talked in a long time.

I rang the doorbell and heard Chica's barks on the other side of the door, followed by a muffled, "It's fine, Chica! I'm coming!" A few seconds later the door swung open and Chica immediately jumped up, desperately wanting to give me kisses. I scratched behind her ears and talked in a baby voice to her like I always had before, when I used to see her on a regular basis.

"Hey there Chica! I missed you too, bubs!"

Once Chica calmed down a little (except for her still wagging tail), I finally acknowledged Mark.

"I guess I missed you too," I laughed.

"Thanks, I could tell when you ignored me and went straight for my dog," he replied sarcastically, a grin on his face.

"Sorry, but she's way cuter and is always much more excited to see me," I said. He couldn't seem to argue with that one.

Mark made me a cup of coffee and we sat down next to each other on his living room couch. For a moment we both sat in silence, sipping our coffee and watching Chica play with one of her toys. But eventually, I broke the silence.

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