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Chapter Four

"So, why haven't you even shown me a picture of this guy you're dating?" Allison asked while we were out at lunch a few days later. I had tried to avoid giving her too much information - I couldn't let her find out what was actually going on with Dark and I. If she knew, she might get hurt. So I just lied to her instead, and I was getting better and better at doing so.

"I don't know, it's just casual dating. But if you insist, I can show you a picture." I had decided to show her random pictures that I found online of an attractive guy named Derek, and I called Dark by that name when I talked to her about our dates. I'd still have to make sure she never saw Dark, but Derek had plenty of pictures online for me to hold Allison over.

"He's definitely a keeper, damn! So, when's the next date?" she wondered.

"I don't know, we haven't discussed that yet. Hopefully it'll be a little less casual," I told her. I was sure that things would have to at least appear to be getting more serious to Mark in order for Dark to stay satisfied with our deal.

After lunch, Allison headed to the Grumps' office to work and I headed home to edit pictures for clients. But despite the fact that I had hoped to be alone, I wasn't. I was sitting on my bed, working on my laptop when I saw a shape appear in the doorway behind my computer screen. This time, Dark's appearance didn't really startle me. I almost expected it.

"You know, it would be great if you gave me some kind of warning instead of just showing up here unannounced," I spoke, not even looking up from the screen.

"I like surprising you - it's more fun for me. But if you're not even going to flinch anymore, I suppose I could start texting you a warning before I teleport," he decided, pulling a cell phone I didn't even know he had out of his back pocket.

"I keep forgetting that you have to blend in and act human," I said, saving my work. "I'm guessing you're here to plan another date?" I shut my laptop and set it down next to me, finally giving him my full attention.

"I am."

"Great. I want to choose what we do this time," I proposed. If I had no choice but to go on dates with Dark, I should at least have some choice in what kind of dates we went on - it was only fair.

"Alright, take your pick," he replied, leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed as usual.

"I want to go out to dinner. Someplace nice. Think you can handle that?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"If dinner is what you want, then I can provide," he answered with an evil smile on his face. "I'll pick you up at six tomorrow. I think you'll like the restaurant I have in mind."

For once, I wasn't dreading going somewhere with him. Going to the movies actually hadn't been that bad, and he wasn't quite as intimidating to me lately. I was hating him less and less, even though I knew what he was doing was a terrible thing. I guess it was just getting easier to tolerate him. That, and it was kind of fun to actually have a dating life again, even if it was completely fake. Sometimes it felt better than nothing.


At six pm the next day, I got a text from Dark, alerting me that he was in the parking lot waiting for me. I checked my reflection in the mirror one last time. I had put on my favorite little black dress and heels, and I felt quite confident. I didn't know exactly where we were going, but I had been told to wear something nice.

"Oooo, you look hot! Where are you going for your date?" Allison asked as I was about to head out the door.

"I'm not sure exactly where yet, some nice restaurant for dinner," I replied, checking my lipstick.

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