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Chapter Seven

My eyes slowly fluttered open in the morning, and I gradually became aware of my surroundings. The soft mattress underneath me, warm blankets covering me, and the sound of consistent breaths beside me. I was cuddled up next to Dark, wearing only his shirt and my underwear. He was in his sweatpants from the night before. Our morning outfits reminded me of what we had done. I began to think of Mark and how he would react when he found out, but my thoughts were interrupted by Dark stirring and opening his eyes.

"Good morning," he grinned.

"'Morning," I yawned, still waking up.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Incredibly well. I wish my bed was this comfortable," I admitted, pulling the blankets closer.

"I hope you don't mind that this turned into a sleepover. I didn't intend it to," Dark told me, but I had a feeling he had expected it to. Luckily for him, I didn't care all that much.

"Well, whether it was intended or not, I enjoyed myself."

"I could tell," Dark smirked.

"Oh, shut up. I don't know if I can deal with you this early in the morning," I grumbled, rolling over so my back was to him.

"You don't have any choice but to deal with me," he said, moving closer. "So, how should we spend our morning?"

"I don't know," I spoke into my pillow, my voice muffled.

"Well, take your pick; anything of four choices. You could go home right now without me bothering you any further. We could make breakfast and have a meal together before you go. We could finish our movie marathon. Or, we could stay in bed and do more of what exhausted us so much last night. It's your choice." As good as breakfast or a movie sounded, his closeness to me and the deepness of his voice made me want to stay where I was, at least for a few more minutes.

"Let's just stay in bed," I decided.

"Good choice," Dark approved. And then he rolled me back over so he could kiss me.

"You know, I like seeing you in my clothes," he commented, but his tugs at the shirt I was wearing led me to believe that he liked me out of them even more.

"I like seeing you in less clothes," I smiled, running my hands down his body. I eventually ended up on top of him, our clothes randomly thrown onto the bed and the floor, enjoying the feeling of him once again.

I never knew that I was so attracted to the bad type. I couldn't use the excuse of Dark having the appearance and body of Mark as my only reason for being interested in him. The way he spoke, the things he said, the thrill and danger of our situation, all of it contributed greatly to the way I felt, and it all sent me over the edge and made me lose all logic and reason. Just when my mind would begin to drift to doubts about our deal and the horrible reality of it, he distracted me, made me forget. And that made him even more dangerous.


"Where the hell have you been?! I texted you a million times last night and this morning!" Allison scolded me when I got back home later that morning.

"I'm sorry, I didn't pay much attention to my phone. It was in my purse the whole time I was gone," I apologized.

"Well, you're here and you seem to be alright, so I'll forgive you this time. Did you spend the night at Derek's?" she wondered.

"Yeah, you caught me," I gave in.


"And we had fun." I noticed a giant grin appearing on Allison's face, but before she could open her mouth to speak, I cut her off. "That's all I'm going to say, alright? I have to go shower, I have a photo shoot later." I ran off to the bathroom, locking the door and blasting music to avoid her questions. I knew she could guess what happened, but she didn't need to know the details, and I really did have to get ready.

Mark's POV

I felt Dark's presence before I could even enter my home after my workout, so the sight of him sitting in my living room didn't surprise me all that much. It bothered me to see him petting Chica, though. Since he had been making more and more appearances, she was getting used to him. Now she seemed to almost like him. Was he really so good at tricking people that even she couldn't tell he was bad news anymore?

"Stay away from my dog, will you?" I rolled my eyes. Chica came running when she heard my voice and I was glad that she at least still favored me over him.

"Your dog likes me. Why should I stay away from her?" Dark wondered.

"Because she only likes who she thinks you are. Just like someone else I know. But I suppose you haven't been staying away from her, either?"

"Actually, she came to me this time. Movie night at my place," he smiled.

"Your place. Right." Not even I knew what he did to get the money to have his own place.

"She actually stayed over. It was quite fun, if I do say so myself," he revealed, his grin growing wider and more sinister. I suddenly felt boiling hot, even though I had cooled down from my workout already.

"You better not have touched her," I sneered, rage taking over my body at just the thought of it.

"It's not as if I've never been close to her before. You know we've kissed. Obviously we've touched each other. Did you forget the time you saw us holding hands downtown?" He was just trying to be dramatic, carry things out longer, and make me more angry. Unfortunately, it was working.

"You know what I mean, Dark. What you've already been doing to her is bad enough. It's not right for you to lead her on, make her think that you might actually see something in her, that maybe you could have a real, functioning relationship. But for you to convince her to be intimate, to let you have your way with her when you'd kill her in an instant...don't you DARE take it to that level."

To anyone else, I would have seemed intimidating - standing over Dark who was still sitting on my couch, my hands balled into fists, my whole body shaking with fury. But Dark just snickered and stood up, making it so that he was eye-to-eye with me to prove that he wasn't at all affected by me.

"i already did take it to that level. But don't worry, I had her full, sober consent. And you know what? She wanted a second round in the morning when she woke up next to me in my bed."

I didn't think before I took action. I punched Dark in the face, hard. And then he punched me back, sending me to the floor, where he held me down and punched me again on the other side of my face. I wasn't sure if he wasn't carrying a weapon on him or if he was just getting a kick out of beating me up and didn't feel the need to use one. But he smiled as he stood over me, clearly pleased with himself.

"Tomorrow your eyes will be surrounded by black, like mine. Maybe then Maddy will give you a second glance." He disappeared, and I was left in pain on my living room floor, with Chica rushing in to see if I was okay. I no longer cared if Dark didn't want me interacting with Maddy. I had to try to run into her and talk with her. She needed to be reminded that Dark wasn't to be trusted.

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