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Chapter Fourteen

After my evening with Mark, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I wanted to spend more time with him, but what we already had done was risky enough. Not to mention the fact that I was feeling kind of guilty about it. I mean, Dark and I really were mainly just fuck buddies to be perfectly honest - we weren't a real couple. But Mark and I actually had real feelings for each other and could have a chance together. And yet, I still felt bad going behind Dark's back like we had. Because of that, I wasn't sure if I wanted to see him yet. I didn't want to feel any more guilty than I already did.

Unfortunately, avoiding Dark (and Mark, so as not to increase the risk of someone finding out about us) turned out to be more difficult than I thought it might be. I was hormonal and in the need of a man's company, but I didn't want to reach out to anyone. So finally, after waking up from a somewhat sexual dream one morning, I decided to just take care of my problem myself.

I had a secret toy hidden underneath my bed that absolutely nobody knew about. I had never told anybody that I had it. Vibrators weren't exactly a popular topic for my friends and I, and Mark never knew I owned one either. After all, it was for me, not him, and when he was around and we were together, I didn't really need it anyways. But now seemed like a good time as ever to use it.

I made sure my door was locked before I started using my toy, just in case. I let my mind drift to my dream, which had been about Mark and I. We were at his office and he was in the middle of recording a video. I came into the room and crawled onto his lap, not caring that his webcam was going. He had insisted that he needed to finish recording, but after I started kissing his neck and touching him, he had different ideas. He didn't even get a chance to stop the recording before we were grabbing at each other's clothes to tear them off...

"Maddy?" A deep voice spoke. One similar to Mark's, but with a darker tone. My eyes shot open and I fumbled to turn off my toy.

"Dark, what the fuck?! I thought you'd text if you were going to show up here!" I said, still scrambling to somehow hide the evidence of what was going on. I had a feeling it was too late for that, though.

"I thought it might be fun to surprise you. Were you just...were you using a sex toy?"

I could feel heat rushing to my cheeks in embarrassment. "Yes."

"Well, I'm sorry I interrupted. But, to be perfectly honest, that was a hot thing to teleport in on," he admitted, adjusting his pants which seemed to be getting a little tight.

"Really? That turns you on?" I was surprised.

"Yes, it really does." Before I knew it he was getting into bed next to me, lust burning in his dark eyes. "Since I didn't let you have a chance to finish, how about I help you out?" he asked, taking the vibrator in his hand. His lips collided harshly with mine and I was completely taken aback by his sudden aggression. But I wasn't complaining - especially once he started using my toy on me.

Miraculously, I was able to forget about Mark for a little while, and it felt nice to be with Dark again.

"I missed you," he told me, and I believed him. I hadn't missed him, but I was content being back with him. I guess that was a good thing - it was back to being his girlfriend. My affair with Mark was over, and I had already gone way too far with him. Now I had to work hard to keep that to myself and show loyalty to Dark.

I made sure to spend lots of time with Dark and I tried to distance myself from Mark. Dark and I planned a bar-hopping date night, and I was actually pretty excited for it. I had never really gone out drinking with him. I wasn't sure if he even had the ability to get drunk or if he would, but I was ready to let loose and have a good time.

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