Mysterious man

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"Cam, its amazing!" CC held up a sheep dog puppy.

"I'm glad you like it. The dogs a she." I smiled.

"Belle. I like that name. Belle Coma." CC said.

After all the love and playing with Belle, CC, belle, and I walked inside the house. I let Belle down and he ran around with happiness. CC put his arm around my waist and led me to the living room where four men sat on the couch. I've seen their faces before but that had been a picture. This was the real thing.

"Guys, this is Cameron." CC introduced myself and the four men stood up.

"Ashley." Ashley was the first to greet me and I had always been a Purdy girl but now I changed to a Coma girl.



Finally when it got to Jinxx, I looked into his eyes. They looked so familiar. Like I have been in a different world where I have known him all my life. I could tell Jinxx was thinking the same.

"My name is Jinxx." He finally spoke up.

"Nice to meet you." I responded not helping but to smile.

"Nice to meet you too. Haven't I seen you before?" I was gonna ask the same thing.

"Probably from CC's magazines. There are tons of photos of Cameron in there half naked." Ashley said.

"Ashley, have you been looking at my magazines?" CC grinned. Oh great CC and Ashley have seen me naked.

Great... Wait CC has seen me naked?!


I looked back at Jinxx who was really close to me.

"No not from a magazine... I think I have met you sometime before today." Jinxx smiled.

"I'm thinking the same." I responded looking into his eyes. So fucking familiar.


"We have a guest room if you want to stay the night." Jake told me. I looked at CC for permission and he nodded his head.

"Sounds good. So are you boys staying too?" I asked.

"Well I have to go back home to Juliet and Jake has a dog he needs to take care of." Andy responded.

"Jinxx and I will stay here just to make sure CC doesn't go crazy." Ashley winked and I gave out a giggle. CC even laughed too knowing that half of Ashley said was true.

A few minutes later, Andy and Jake left back to their homes and CC, Ashley, and I were down stairs dancing. CC had done a butt dance which made me laugh and Ashley tried to put his hands on my hips. With CC knowing, I could tell he was getting envy of Ashley. That's when I decided to push him off and ask where Jinxx was.

"He's upstairs working on lyrics or practicing his violin solo parts in our new album." Ashley yawned and stretched his arms.

"I'm gonna be back. I need to get something from my bag." I wiggled my way up stairs to CC's room. I placed the expensive ring in the bag and got out the gifts I got for Ashley and Jinxx as well before arriving at the house.

I heard mumbling from the room across and couldn't help but walk in on who it was. Not surprised I sat next to Jinxx who had cleared his way of the broken stringed violin.

"Something wrong?" I asked him.

"It's just that my string broke." Jinxx mumbled. I knew he was upset and I was glad his string broke so I could give him my present for him. An expensive Violin that had just came out.

"It's amazing!" Jinxx smiled while looking for the price tag.

"But way too much money for you to spend. How could you afford it?"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the stash of money. 578,000 dollars.

"Modeling money." I grinned. Jinxx gave me a huge hug and I could smell his cologne he had on. Very good smelling wishing the smell wouldn't end.

"Are you sure we haven't met before?" Jinxx asked.

"I seriously don't know." I responded with a laugh. Before I left, Jinxx stopped me. I knew he was behind me from the same smell so I turned around to face him. Jinxx grabbed my hands in his and said "thank you". I was shocked with his next move as I went down stairs and sat on the couch. Remembering his lips touching my cheek made it turn red not knowing if I was enjoying it or what. Why had he kissed me? I sure wouldn't be telling CC this.

I walked up to the drunk Ashley and handed him his present. A new bass guitar that engraved Ashley on it. I already gave Andy and Jake thier presents so I was fine.

I sat on the couch with CC and yawned as I stretched my arms.

"I'm tired so I'm gonna go up to the guest room and go to sleep. " I stood up. CC walked up to me and kissed my forehead and said goodnight to me.

Drunk Ashley gave me a huge hug and said goodnight while trying to get up the stairs.

In the room, I changed into the clothes CC gave me to wear and laid in bed staying up and thinking about what had happened today. About the thong, puppy, voilin, guitar, the boys CC, Jinxx kissing me. Jinxx. My imagination had came to life because Jinxx opened the door.

"Sorry for walking in but I forgot to say goodnight." Jinxx grinned as he sat on the bed and hugged me.

"Goodnight," Jinxx said again. Before he could leave I stopped him.

"Will you stay here for a bit longer? I would ask CC but I don't want to be a bother and Ashley is drunk. " I asked Jinxx as he smiled. He got in the covers and held me close. Once again smelling the good cologne.

This wasn't betraying CC right? I mean Jinxx is holding me close to him under the covers but we are just friends. Some how a friend I swear I have seen before.

Thirsty (CC and Jinxx)Where stories live. Discover now