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The first step I took into CC's house, Ashley came dashing and gave me a huge hug.

"My girl's in the house," I could tell Ashley was very delighted to see me. Probably to steal another kiss.

Ashley got really close to my ear and whispered "Are you really preggers?"

I started to laugh at the word 'preggers' and so did he but then his face got serious.

"I hope it's not mine. " Ashley threw his hands up. I laughed and responded no to being pregnant.

"Good!" Ashley said and kissed my cheek. Dammit. Ashley needs to stop surprising me in that way.

Rubbing my cheek, another set of lips landed on me. But not on the cheek, on my lips. It better not be Ashley. I looked up and it wasn't Ashley.

Stunned at what he had done, I backed up a few steps.

"Jinxx?" I wiped my lips.


"These are amazing, Cameron." CC held me in his arms as he reached for another brownie.

I smiled at CC's words and kissed his cheek softly.

"You are amazing, Christian." I said.

"What about me?" Jinxx caught me by surprise. "Do I get a kiss?"

I stared at CC to make sure he wasn't getting upset with Jinxx but instead he laughed and nodded his head that I could kiss Jinxx. So I did.

I softly pressed my lips against his and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Why would CC allow this?

When I pulled back, I looked at Jinxx's eyes, they sparkled. He enjoyed it.

I returned to CC who went back to wrapping me in his arms. His cologne I could tell was axe. I didn't want him to let go and cherish this moment forever.

My eyelids drew heavy and I almost fell asleep in CC's arms but then I remembered about the presents for the boys.

"CC," I yawned. "Will you help me get your guys' gifts out of the car?"

"Yeah, no problem."


While CC and I got the gifts out in the car, we started talking about the article of us.

"So are you really pregnant?" CC asked. "Because if you are then I promise I will always be there for you." CC leaned against the trunk and my body fit in between his legs. His hands on both of my arms and his smile so beautiful along with his eyes that always seemed to be filled with love.

"I'm not pregnant but I like the thought of you always being there for me." I kissed him. His breathe had a sweet taste from the mint he had in his mouth after eating the brownies.

Next, CC and I carried in the presents and their faces lit up acting like children.

"Cameron, it's amazing!" Andy held his new microphone that engraved his name into it. 2000 dollars.

"Thank you!" Jake and Jinxx said while they held up their new guitars. Jake had "Jake" in the front and "Pitts" on the back. And "BvB Army" also on it. Along with a drawing of his face.

Jinxx had "Jinxx" in the front and "BVB army" as well with a drawing of his face. Both were 10,000 dollars

Ashley already got a new guitar from me so I just got him a $200 gift cars to any strip show he sees on his way to the tour.

"I'm gonna get so many hot chicks," Ashley grinned.

For CC, I got him a new iPhone 5c with a $100 gift card and we are going on a trip to Paris.

"This must cost a fortune!" CC held me wide eyes open.

"Don't worry. The Paris Trip is actually free. CC, I have to stay in Paris for a week to do modeling. Please be with me. " I looked serious at him.

CC kissed me on the lips and said "I will always be by your side. Friends or even more."

Yes even more. I like the sound of that. But how could I get over someone that I don't remember but broke my heart. Do I even know love?

"So you guys are probably wondering why I got you guys all of this." They all nodded their heads.

"I have some news. I got you guys signed up with a record album with the biggest record label in the world." I squealed and they all stood up so excited. I got tackled with hugs but the biggest from CC.

"But how?" Andy asked.

"With the music I bought from the wretched and divine album, I shortened them all into 2 minutes and the man went crazy. You guys are going to rock. A tear tried to escape my eye knowing that only in June will they leave for their tour and I will be nothing. I've already lost so much.

After all of the excitement, we all sat down and watched some movies. I fell asleep with CC's arm wrapped around me and my arms around his neck.

When I woke up, I was in his bed with the sweet axe smell. I checked my phone. 10:15 p.m. I really slept that long? Maybe because of the stress I was gonna have when I tell CC the truth.

A few minutes later, I got up from the bed and went down stairs. Only to find the one I thought I could love again with the blonde headed chick from before. Making out on the recliner.

Fuck you, CC..

Thirsty (CC and Jinxx)Where stories live. Discover now