~Chapter One~

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Chapter One

Elsa's POV

"Remember: Conceal, don't feel."

"Yes Kai."

"Good. Now have fun!"

"Bye!" I call to Kai and Olaf as Anna and I walk out the door.

"Aren't you excited?" Anna asks, skipping along beside me.

"About what? Being the new kids? Joining the school halfway through the school year?"

She rolls her eyes, "Come on Elsa! Don't tell me you're not even a little excited."

I'm saved from answering because we arrive at our new school.

"Ready?" Anna asks.

"Not really," I reply, pulling on my gloves.


I get to my home room and sit in the back corner of the room, hoping to be ignored. A few minutes later I notice someone sit down beside me.

"There's plenty of other seats in the class. Could you please sit in one of them?" I ask, turning to look at the boy next to me.

"Why would I want to move when I could sit next to the prettiest girl in class?" he asks.

"Please go."

He looks a bit shocked but quickly recovers, feigning innocence. He's about to respond but the teacher walks in, cutting him off.This is going to be a long day.

Jack's POV

I stare at the girl next to me, shocked. I'm used to constant attention from girls. I finally settle with flirting with the girl on the other side of me. Her eyes widen and she looks starstruck. I'm relieved when the bell rings.


"Hey," I greet my friends at lunch.

I sit next to my best friend Hiccup, who everyone calls Hic.

"Did you meet the new girl?" I ask, thinking of the girl who ignored me.

"Which one?"

"The one with the white-blonde hair."

"Ah, the Ice Queen."

"The what?"

"The Ice Queen. She ignores all us populars."

"What do you mean?" I ask, relieved I'm not the only one.

"She's all cold to the jocks and popular girls, and she's actually not that friendly to the nerds either. It's turned into a big competition, everyone's wondering who'll make her like them first. A lot of the people think it'll be you."

"Oh. Hey, there she is!" I point across the cafeteria to where the Ice Queen is standing. "I'll be right back."

I dash across the room until I'm right behind the Ice Queen. I place my hand on her shoulder.

"Hey Ice Queen," I whisper in her ear.

She stiffens, "Leave me alone."

"The cost for that is your name."

She mutters something.

"You're gonna need to be a bit louder Honey."

"Fine. It's... Lila. Now go away."

"Your wish is my command," I bow, kissing her hand before I stride back to my table.

"How'd it go?" Hic asks.

"She gave me her name."

"Yeah? Different isn't it? 'Elsa'. I saw it written on her notebook, she was in my math class."

Elsa? She's a pretty good liar.

"Yeah. And she wears those gloves and is really proper. And she's wearing a dress. In the middle of winter!"

The bell rings and I go to my next class. I'm going to win the competition. I'm going to make the Ice Queen like me.

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