~Chapter Ten~

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Chapter Ten

Elsa's POV

I burst through the front door of our house.


"Elsa? What's the matter?" Kai appears around the corner.

"We've been discovered."

"Oh dear, we need to leave. Now. Pack your things. We will leave at dusk."

I nod and run upstairs. I packed lightly and when we left Arendelle and I haven't unpacked everything yet, so it's easy to pack it all. I vaguely notice Anna come home from school.

Jack's POV

I sit in my last class and I shiver involuntarily. Elsa froze my heart. I need to see the Guardians.


"Man In The Moon?"

No reply. But I know it was him.

I remember what Elsa said. A true love's kiss.

I sit in my room, wondering what to do. I feel cold, and I never feel cold. After a while, I know what I need to do. I run over to Elsa's house and I knock on the door. No answer. I knock again, and ring the bell. When no one answers, I try to open the door. It's unlocked.

I step inside. The house is empty. But then I hear something come from the backyard. I exit the house and run to the backyard. I see Anna, Kai, Olaf, and Elsa saddling horses. Getting ready to leave.


They all turn to look at me.

"Hi, I'm Olaf, and I-" the snowman starts to walk towards me, but Anna stops him.

"Not now Olaf," she tells him.


"Elsa, can I talk to you?"

"You already are."

"In private."

She sighs and glances back at the others. "Fine. You've got two minutes."

We walk around the corner of the house.

"Go ahead," she crosses her arms and leans back against the wall.

"Okay. So you said that only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart, right?"

She nods. "Yes. The most obvious act of true love is the true love's kiss. But you only have so much time, if you don't do it quick, you'll freeze into solid ice. Find someone you love."

"But what if she's about to leave?"

"Then you should hurry."


I lean froward and kiss her gently.

When I pull away, the icy chill that had filled me only moments before has disappeared.

Elsa looks at me, shocked. "I'm your true love?"

I scratch my head. "Yeah. You aren't really leaving, are you?"

She looks down. "Well, I think it's to late to change Kai's mind..."

I put a finger under her chin and tilt her head so she looks at me. "Say you'll stay. Please."

"Wow, you actually know the word please."


She glances in the direction of the others. "What if I said the maybe, just maybe, I'm in love too?"

My heart beats fast. "With who?"

"Jack. Jack Frost."

Okay, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, even though it starts out really slowly. I was really annoyed because it wouldn't let me save or publish, so I had to re-write it a lot. This is my fifth time, I think. Thank you for reading, and I just wanted to let you know that this is NOT the end of this story, there will probably be a few more chapters, and then I will be writing a new Jelsa story, maybe more, but one will definitely have a twist that I'm pretty sure no one on Wattpad has uploaded yet. Also, I do not use all of the characters and stuff that I use, it belongs to Disney and/or Dreamworks.


P.S. - If you read that big Authors Note, then you are awesome.

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