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I was going away for the summer so this was my last time seeing the Blossom siblings before school went back. We were sitting in my room as in the Blossom mansion, putting the finishing touches on packing while Jason and Cheryl sit on my bed.

I had my back to the sibling when "hey I got you something Har" immediately spinning around facing Jason having heard him speak. He walk towards me with two things in his hand. Sitting on the bed in front of them and opening the present. The one that was wrapped up was an amazing sketchbook with a note inside, putting it aside I open the case with a bow on it. It was a beautiful Violin one that I could never buy it was expensive, but more beautiful than anything else. It shiny metallic purple. There was a small note inside the case that said unique like you Love Jason

 There was a small note inside the case that said unique like you Love Jason

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Smiling at it I open the sketchbook and look at the note

You will always be the most amazing unique person I would have ever met. I hope you enjoy the sketchbook and violin because they are all you. From the moment you walked into Cheryl's life I knew you were different than everyone else in this town. The moment I met you was a life changer. You know what you want and you go after it. You make sure you get what you want no matter who you are up against. You don't let money or anything get in your way, that's what makes Cheryl and I love you more. It's all about Will and talent with you. You are smart and confident, you play music and draw like I have never seen. Don't ever change you are amazing. I will miss you
Love JJ

I read the not again "your leaving aren't you" "yeah but know that you and Cheryl will be fine and I will call you both when I get there" Cheryl and I hug him falling asleep together one last time.

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