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I was sat in the kitchen of my house waiting patiently for Archie to come down. When he finally did I startle him by saying "what's going on with you and Grundy" "what I have no idea what your talking about" "you were going to her for you music then suddenly you come to me and I'm not oblivious like the rest of your friends focusing on your love life is taking my mind off Jason" he gestures for me to follow and I do. Walking to school together for the first time in years.

I walk up to Archie needing to ask him something when I hear Jughead say "do you think I can use Jason's death to get out of PE. Hey sir I'm to depressed to do pull ups" "you shouldn't joke about Jason's death" "well I'm definently using it as an excuse hate PE" "Harley Andrews" "in the flesh Juggy" doing a twirl making him smile. "Archie I wanted to ask your opinion of this" handing him a USB "give it back to me when you have checked it out show no one...more important topics do you think anyone would realise if I left" "yes the two queen bees of the school missing" "see Archie Juggy knows how to answer me...come on let's skip PE" holding my arm out to the male I haven't been close to in almost as long as Archie.

Juggy and I were in the autitorium together having easily got out of PE with my lying expertise. I'm Laying across the stage drawing humming any tune that comes to my head. Jughead is sitting across the room working on his novel, he does look up at me every so often though. Jumping up I open my Violin case take it out read the not that Jason put with it smiling as I put the violin up and begin to play. I'm working on a tune marking it sound right, I'm writing a song for Jason using the violin because it was his favourite out of all the instruments I played. Letting my voice go along with the tune singing any words that come to mind and go together. Putting my violin down wiping the tears in my eyes only to be startled by clapping. Spinning around to find my brother and all his friends in here now. "That was beautiful Har"Veronica said "Harley Jason use to call me Har" "sorry" "it's fine you didn't know"smiling "where did you get the violin it's-" "beautiful I got it from Jason before he left" I cut my brother off. Looking down before getting up "I umm have to go" walking out of the of the room before anyone else can answer.

I'm sitting under the tree in the park staring at the sketch I drew of Jason, tracing the lines with my finger. Tears fall from my eyes, no one is around so I let them fall freely.I knew you were different than everyone else in this town.
More fall as I remember him inform me that I was different that was all I wanted The moment I met you was a life changer. I let out a sob knowing that he changed me life for the better as well as Cheryl. It was a two way street we saved each other, he was my life line and I was his. You make sure you get what you want no matter who you are up against. You don't let money or anything get in your way, that's what makes Cheryl and I love you more. I always got what I wanted and I used that to help him and Cheryl. I stood up to their parents when no one else would, which just made them respect me. The only problem is no I don't know what I want it all floated away When he died. It's all about Will and talent with you. "If you can achieve then I shall, if you can be better than you will, you won't let anyone walk all over you" my dad always told me. You are smart and confident, you play music and draw like I have never seen. I only play music and draw still because it makes me feel close to him. It reminds me of all the times he would come into my room at throne hill and watch me, he never interrupted me just observed. He would tell me "your concentration is inspiring how the whole would seems to disappear"  Don't ever change you are amazing. It's the only thing that keeps me going. How he thought I was amazing. How he never wanted me to change. It's a promise I'm made and one I intend to keep.
I will miss you I shake uncontrollably thinking about him. Sobbing again feeling more tears fall from my eyes. My heart aches. It's broken
Love JJ nothing can fix it. He was my guardian angel and I need him. I start hyperventilating thinking about how I will never see him again.

I feel familiar arms wrap around me. "Shh calm down" "Cheryl" she hummed "you remember that party a few months back the one I said that I screwed up" "yeah...nooo"she had tears in her eyes as she looks at me. I can tell her mind is turning just but looking at her. "Cheryl I think I unintentionally Killed Jason" crying into her chest feeling tears fall on to my shoulder.

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