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The music was loud, the party was in full swing

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The music was loud, the party was in full swing. Gracefully walking up to Jason placing my arms around his neck "I'm rather liking this secret relationship" "well everyone here knows" "party code no one mentions what happens at the party" he leans down and kisses me passionately "my parents would kill me if they New what was going on" "I think they would love the fact that you aren't at Polly" he smirks at me as we sway to the music "everyone loves you Ley" sighing as I rest my head on his chest which he immediately lifts up with his finger "I love you more than you can ever imagine Ley" smiling at him "I know it's just we can only be together in secret at these parties and around Cheryl I love it I do but I want more" "I want more to but we have to wait give it time" "I am the only ones who really know is pretty much everyone" he laughs "but they are sworn to secrecy" he nibbles on my ear "because if they come clean about one thing everyone turns on them wouldn't want that now would we" he shakes his head "no we would this is our secret" "and ours alone to bare" I finish for him. He twirls me around and as he brings me back "I don't feel like going home" "who would want to go back to the creep house of horrors" he laughs at me "no one ever they may want treat me as the golden child but that doesn't mean I can't get away from creepy house of horrors once in awhile" "well then let's go on our own adventure" twirling out of his arms and walking away with him following.

We ended up at the abandoned mansion alone and together. He had swiped alcohol on our way here so now we are having our own alcohol fuelled party alone with extremely loud music. My pant falling to the floor as I was towards him swaying to the music. Sitting on his lap facing him, pulling my shirt over my head before leaning in and connecting our lips. Pulling is shirt over his head before quickly connecting our lips again "are you sure" he asks in between kisses "never been more sure in my life" the mansion may have been abandoned long ago but the master bedroom is still in perfect condition. The mattress is heavenly the bed in mint condition. All that is wrong is the dust and the rotted wall paper but other than that it a room fit for royals which we will be tonight. And tomorrow we shall pretend like nothing happened but in secret and when we are alone. We shall remember the bliss, the passion, the happiness we felt for the first time in years, the release we felt. Every emotion every feeling keep completely and utterly to ourselves. Something no one could take and that's what made it all the more pleasurable. It was like a game our game. When would we get to be this close again, kiss or even be close for no one could know. It was our secret and our game.

The rush of seeing him across the hall, the smile that made its way onto my face when I saw him. The slight touch that would create sparks in our bodies, the hugs as a sign as hello meaning everything neither of us wanting to let go. The wanting the urning for him to be inside me again. The excitement the exiliration of the next time we would close. It was the best part the unknown. We were far from normal so why would our relationship.

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