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Walking up the next morning I could feel it, something bad was coming

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Walking up the next morning I could feel it, something bad was coming. The town had some sort of curse bestowed upon it. It was itching it's way into darkness with everyday that passed. I had woken up early today, carefully gotten up without waking Archie. Having a shower before putting on a white top black pant a beanie and uggs. It had snowed last night meaning it was freezing outside.

 It had snowed last night meaning it was freezing outside

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Going downstairs, just as Archie comes out of his room. Grabbing a juice and eating some eggs dad made with Archie beside me. "You ready to see your baby" "always am are you ready to see your niece" he nods. I pull out my phone trying to call or text Cheryl anything but get no response. "What wrong" "what" looking up startled "you look worried" sighing "it's Cheryl she's probably in a bad place and the baby is probably the only good thing that's happening in this town" "you want her to come" "she is its aunt" looking up at him "well if she doesn't we will make sure to give her a picture" nodding and getting up.

My heart was pounding rapidly. I had drank more water than I every had in my life for some reason I was nervous. "Harley Andrews" getting up and following the doctor to the room. "So how have you been" "good as you can expect really" she laughs and nods. I have had the same doctor since the pregnancy so we have gotten to know each other. "This is Archie my brother...Archie this is Mary my doctor" she smiles at him. "The kicks have been getting more painful but I just assumed it's normal towards the end" she nods typing the information into the computer. Lifting my top up as she puts Jelly on it. "Well we will see the baby and then we can discuss ways to help you through the pain" nodding and looking at the screen seeing my little baby. Grabbing Archie's had smiling at him we both have tears in my eyes. Marcy gasps causing me to take my eyes off the screen and look at her "what what wrong" she looks at me "I'll be right back" I nod not staying a word. "Please be ok" I mutter rubbing my hug belly. Everyone tells me it's not that big it's just because I'm use to a flat stomach but that doesn't matter to me. It's huge either way. Marcy comes back in with another doctor and they are discussing quietly my baby to quiet for me to here. "What wrong with the baby" I panic. Marcy looks at the doctor before looking over at me she pick up the ultrasound instrument and placing it on my stomach. Moving it around and pinging to the screen "see this here" I nod "well is I move it like this look" my eyes widen at what I see "how" "one was hiding behind the other explains the question of why your so big" I slap Archie's arm giving in a 'I told you I was big look' "you are having twins Harley" rubbing the sides of my belly "thank god you had me worried something was wrong" "I'm sorry" "don't be they just have their parents cheekiness" smiling at her. "Would you like to know the gender" I shake my head "no I want it to be a surprise all I want to know is that they are healthy" "well I'm happy to inform you that they appear to be...we will just run a few extra test to check on baby B but everything seems fine" nodding my head "thank you".

I sat on my bed in shock that I'm having twins

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I sat on my bed in shock that I'm having twins. Staring at one of the many copies of them smiling. I really can't wait to meet them. I don't know what I'm going to do, Clifford left me a hug amount of money according to the bank, which I went to this morning after my u checkup because they called. I don't know whether I want them to grow up in Riverdale, before it wasn't a question. But now that I have the means to make their lives better I don't know. Their family is here. But they can always visit. I also need names two names not just one anyone. My mind was going a million miles an hour that I didn't even notice my phone vibrating next to me. If it a boy, Jay Jay Jason Jace I want it to be something to remind me of him a connection they have to him. But I don't know what. Girl well I have absolutely no idea.

For the first time I felt completely and utterly alone in this pregnancy. Sure I have my family and Cheryl maybe Penelope on the fence about her. But I didn't have the man I love the father of my babies. The one who was meant to help me with these decisions. Tears drip down my face as for the first time it had actually set in that they will never meet their father sure I knew but it had never occurred to me like this. Hearing my phone I pick it up "hello" my voice raspy from the being on the brink of crying "it's Cheryl" the voice of Veronica came the the other end "what about her" I start to collect my things grabbing the photos and everything I need knowing that I'm going to leave. "Umm she tried to be with Jason" I froze understanding what she met "where is she I'll be right there" "my place I'll leave the door unlocked as we are going to the jubellie" I nod before realising she can't here "ok be there soon" I was about to hang up when she spoke again "where were you today we have all been trying to call you" taking a deep breath before answering "I was at home panicking about impending motherhood and being upset that they will never meet their father and yes you heard correctly I'm having twin" "congrats" thanks Ronnie can you tell them that I'm fine just needed a moment to myself and if I don't answer not to panic I'm with Cheryl" closing the front door "of course bye Har" "bye Ronnie" hanging up and making my way to her house.

Walking into the apartment seeing Cheryl bundled up in front of the fire drink a hot drink out of a mug. Sighing I take my jacket off placing it over the couch before walking over to her sitting in front of the fire. "I know you don't want to believe me when I say this but I have thought about doing what you did everyday since his body was found" I hear her sigh "I don't though because of the babies in my stomach they need their mother and a good life as much as they need their aunt to help me tell them how amazing their dad was" opening my bag and pulling out the ultrasound photo showing both babies, passing it to her which she happily accepts. Watching her carefully as she looks at it "I found out today that I'm having twins baby B was hiding behind baby A so they never saw that one" she smiles "clearly get their cheekiness from you and JJ" smiling at her "that's what I said to the doctor when she told me" moving over and putting my arm around her, she leans her head on my shoulder. She goes to give me the image baby but I shake my head "no no it's yours I already have on and I want you to look at it every time you feel lonely or you want to join Jase...I don't thing I can do this without you Cheryl" she looks up at me and smiles weakly "your dad left me a lot of money I got a call from the bank and went down this morning" she look up me confused "if you want to leave ever the three of us" point to my frame "will come with you anywhere" she nods into my shoulder "it feels like you are the only family I have left my mother-" " I know" I cut her off knowing how hard it is for her to talk about. Holding her tight like at any moment I'm going to loose her. Staring into the fire thinking about how messed up our life has become. "I told Hermione that I would leave when I'm done" I nod releasing her "are you sure you want to go home you can come back to mine or James or we could even go to the abandoned mansion" she wraps her arms around me grabbing my coat as we walk past the could and out the door "I love you Lee more than you will ever know" stopping in the street and facing her "I know how much you love me Cher because I love you the same but I need you to promise me something" she nods for me to continue "that you will be safe with whatever your planning...and could you maybe get my violin from my room at thorn hill kinda scared to go back" she laughs and nods to me. Hugging her like my life depended on it "call me if you ever feel the need to be with Jase I could spend hours talking about him and how much I want to join him with you" "only if you do the same" nodding against her shoulder "promise" smiling at her as we part ways her going to thorn hill and me going home to rest and prepare for two babies.

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