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I'm now six months pregnant and two months since Jason's death. I'm feel so fat, I'm bloody huge everyone knows that I'm pregnant now of course. I have felt the heat of being called fat and ugly constantly from the people I use to call friends. I got to me, the part where they were once my friends, I can handle being called that as I'm comfortable in my own skin and blessed with a baby from the man I love. Archie, Cheryl and James were always the first to jump in and protect me which was relatively normal. Archie had a new found protectiveness over me since he found out about the baby I don't know whether it was because everything that had happened recently or because he missed me. Cheryl and James always did it because the were loyal and my best frilend, Cheryl now more than James because I'm carrying her dead brothers baby. I have been playing music and drawing more often that normal as everything is just hectic, and they are the only things that can calm me down or relax me.

Staring at me large stomach in the mirror in my bedroom at Thorne hill. Rubbing the large bump smiling, I find out in a week the gender of the little one and I couldn't be more excited. I decide a week ago if it's a boy I will name it after Jason in some way. I wanted to keep Jason's memory alive for the little one and make it the best memory of him, not all the bad things people in town are saying like how he deserved to die. That was the only thing that actually got to me the people telling me that I'm having a demon baby, that I should kill it, that the baby is lucky it's father died. I wasn't lucky he should have made it to me on July fourth, he should have been there. But instead someone in this town killed him. I was so mad at who ever it was I was out for blood, I wanted them to feel my pain my babies pain of not having a father.

I feel like a watermelon, I don't walk no more I waddle. My legs hurt after taking like five steps. I can barely walk around the school anymore. The principal has allowed me to sit int he music room/auditorium and do school work or work on my music. The school has also lightened my work load as requested by my dad and the Blossoms. That's where I currently was sitting on one of the comfortable lounge chairs in the music room drawing. I had my headphones in listening to my music noting down where I have to improve it, so I didn't hear the door open or know anyone else was in the room until they were in front of me. Practically jumping out of my skin when I seen James blond hair over the top of my sketchbook, pulling my headphones out and stopping the music. "Easy Mumma" "What are you doing here" "had a free thought I would come check on my favourite person" "well I'm fine thank you" he moves my legs and sits beside me with my legs on his lap. "So how are you really doing and don't give me the crap about being fine...I saw you with Jason you guys really love each other so tell me the truth" "I miss it James" "the four of us the group oh i miss it to" "The group just disappeared when he die like it never existed...I feel like I'm drowning and can't swim I just keep getting lower and lower" taking a deep breath

We were walking up the hill. We were on the south side of town, a place where no one could find us. Skipping and twirling feeling free for the first time in a long time. This town was full of judgment secrets and the only way to get away was to come here. Our secret place no one knew about not even Cheryl or Archie. The four of us come here every week and just do anything, it was our escape. The house on the hill. No one goes near here in fear of what could happen. Jumping on Jason's back him instinctively putting his arms under me making sure I don't fall. Walking around the back as the front is all boarded up and locked.

Alec and James go through the broken window, turning around and sticking their hand out to me

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Alec and James go through the broken window, turning around and sticking their hand out to me. I don't need their help but I always accept it. They pull me into the house and Jason following behind me. Walking through the abandoned rundown mansion like we own the place, which in a sense we do considering we are the only ones who come down here. Lifting up one of the floor where we hide our notes pulling, out my book and flicking to a new page. We hide things all over this place the walls, floor, stairs, cupboard absolutely everywhere. It's where we keep all the secrets we know, like a lock box. "So Jason are you just going to string Harley here along or are you going to ask her out"Alec said "yeah when are you going to ditch that Polly chick"James added on. I sit there trying to pretend I don't hear them which is rather difficult considering Alec has his arm around here. "I don't know man I mean I like Harley I do but-" "Polly is easy and I'm not and Jason here doesn't like to work for a prize" "now I'm not that bad" "come on man the last party we were at you were insane" "and Polly was all over you" "while I was all about having a good time and not sleeping with anyone who breathes" taking my violin out of the bag I had with me, placing it below my chin as I say that. Playing the violin clearing my head engulfing the house in music, stopping and placing it carefully down beside me. Looking up for the first time in minutes to notice everyone looked astounded that I could play like I did. Picking up my note book and beginning to sketch noticing out of the corner of my eye James and Alec leaving. When they have left I inform Jason "I like you to just thought you should know but I'm not playing second class to a Polly Cooper" "I would have you to you are above her in every way" he comes over to me ready to kiss me but I push back "not until you inform Polly of her status change with you" now seeing for the first time James and Alec standing their.
~end of flashback~
"I broke my promise to him" I said into the silence that had engulfed us. He looks confused "I told him to tell Polly her status change" "oh yeah always thought it was funny how you put that" "he didn't tell her before we got together he just stung her alone creating all the drama at the parties" "are you going to tell them the truth when they eventually ask you" "I don't know either way it leads back to me and Cheryl every time not Polly" packing my things up and walking out of the room with him following.

 He looks confused "I told him to tell Polly her status change" "oh yeah always thought it was funny how you put that" "he didn't tell her before we got together he just stung her alone creating all the drama at the parties" "are you going to tell...

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Alec Dumount

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