Home Sweet Home

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I had spent the Summer with friends ignoring everyone but my dad Jason and Cheryl. I spent almost everyday talking in Jason Cheryl and I's groupchat until July 4th when they were taking a boat ride and Jason was leaving Riverdale. I had spent the rest of the time with Neptune and Samantha. They live in Riverdale as well.

It was the first day of school and we had only gotten back today

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It was the first day of school and we had only gotten back today. I had spent the morning finding the perfect outfit wear. I put on my blue owl sweater and white skirt, I leave my hair straight and out. I got the sweater from Jason along with a long sleeve short blue dress. It makes me feel closer to him now that I know I won't be seeing him everyday. I decided against staying at Thorne hill so I'm at home, which feels extremely weird.

I arrive at school at lunch time with Neptune and Samantha

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I arrive at school at lunch time with Neptune and Samantha. I walk towards the jocks that we sitting on a table by the oval. "Chuck I assume that now that your top dog nothing will change" "you will always be queen" putting his arm around me. Elbowing him in his stomach causing him to groan and everyone around us to look. "Chuck we may have an alliance doesn't mean we are friendly" spinning and strutting away. Seeing Cheryl standing at the table with Archie's friends I walk over. "Cheryl darling how are you...bad question sorry" hugging the girl. "Everyone else" I wave to them, Before walking away with Cheryl. "You can still live with us you know" "are you sure I don't want to be in the way" "Har you are just as much Blossom as I you can stay" "ok but if your parents have a problem I can stay with my dad" smiling and walking with the girl to class.

School had ended and I had parted with Cheryl promising to see her when I got home. I had been sitting by sweet water river, when Cheryl rang me crying saying they found Jason's body. I was in shock, I ran down the river to where she said. I ran past her collapsing to the floor hyperventerlating tears running down. It got harder to breath hot tears drip down my face, I felt strong arms lift me up and pull me back. Looking up at the person to find it is Archie. I cry into his chest as he holds me tight for the first time since before the second grade. I felt myself being lifted up and pay no attention to what's going on to focused on my heartache. I manage to fall asleep on the car ride back home.

Waking up the next morning in my bedroom. Groaning rolling away from the sunlight. Reluctantly getting up and getting ready for the day, having a shower cleaning myself up. Putting on a red and white stripy crop top, black ripped jeans black boots with a heel a black hat.

I put all my belongings that I need on my black and gold back pack and grabbing my violin before walking out of the house and to Pops

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I put all my belongings that I need on my black and gold back pack and grabbing my violin before walking out of the house and to Pops. Sitting at the counter ordering a strawberry Milkshake, reading the letter Jason wrote to me for the Millionth time since I found out he left. "Why don't you just ask Harley Archie" I heard from a booth not to far away. Grabbing my things, and walking over to the booth. "Shove" sliding in beside Betty "so what is this you have to ask me" "Archie has a interest in music and needs someone to tutor him" my eyes light up "really...of course I would help" "are you ok"Archie asks "fine" I cut him off. "Im Veronica Lodge" "Harley Andrews" "so your the one everyone was talking about yesterday...wait-" "yes I'm Archie's sister"

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