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I had isolated my self from the world

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I had isolated my self from the world. I was becoming bigger by the day it felt like. I was due in two weeks and I hated everything. I wanted them out, I was tired all the time, hungry, and my feet hurt. I was laying on my bed munching on any food I had in the vicinity. I hadn't spoke to Cheryl much other than the odd text I had sent or received. The only person who had come to visit me was Jug. He would come make sure I'm ok make me laugh and just sit with me. Everyone else kinda avoided me. I don't really why.

I felt a massive pain in my stomach causing me to gasp in pain. I get up and walk around my room rubbing my large stomach as this usually works. I felt I rush, I didn't know what it was until I felt water run down my legs. Screaming in pain as a contraction hit. My door swings open causing me to look up I'm meant to be home alone. I smile seeing Jug there. Looking down then back up at him "their coming Jug...I'm scared" he instantly gets to gets comforting me, pulling his phone out and calling someone. I don't know who as I'm so focus the pain the contractions the fact that my babies are coming. "Come one we have to get you to the hospital" "wait the bags over there are mine and the babies hospital bags" he nods passing me the babies as it is the lighter on and allow him to lead me out of the house into a car.

Sitting in the hospital waiting until I'm dialated is the worst thing. It's so painful. I have music playing and am doing everything to make the pain stop but nothing is working. "Jug can you call Cheryl and Archie even my dad they have to know...I don't rrrreally care if anyone else knows" he nods getting up. I sat there alone and in more pain I have ever felt in my life. Tears dripping out of my eyes. It felt as my insides were being torn out. Screaming with every wave.

Suddenly my breath becomes the short. I couldn't get enough air in, with each push. I was panting before I could do anything else. I notice the doctors start to move quicker but I didn't know whether that was real or not. Before I can even comprehend a mask is shoved on my face putting air into my lungs and I'm being wheeled out on my bed. I could make out the faces of the ones I love, the utter confusion, the doctor racing over to inform them of what's happening. I grab one of the head doctors "I want you to save them if there is a decision between me and them" he smile as me before it all goes black.

Waking up my body felt weak. My stomach felt tight and sore and the lights were bright. "Oh your awake" "what happened" he looks at me before grabbing my chart. "The pressure of of pushing two babies somehow closed of a part of your air way making you become lightheaded and pass out" I nod. Omg the babies. "The babies" "are completely fine" he wheels a baby's incubator towards me. "I'm pleased to introduce you to you new baby boy and girl" smiling "whose older" "this little guy" he hands me the little boys. Looking down into the eyes that I fell in love with. Jason's eyes. "When can I name them" "right now if you like" I nod allowing the little one to wrap his hand around my finger "I'm you mumma" "what would you like to name him" looking down and meeting his eyes. I knew it there wasn't a second thought about it. "Jason Alec Andrews-Blossom" laying him on my legs and picking up my little girl. The moment I look in her eyes I see she has the same brown I do, but hers have a spark of curiosity. "Your going to be a cheeky curious girl aren't you" she laughs a laugh that lights up my life "and what will her name be" looking down "Nova Cheryl Andrews-Blossom" he smiles and nods "their beautiful" he packs up his things "I'll go tell your family they can come warned they maybe a bit excited as they were left in the dark" I laugh and not even minutes later they all come into the room one by one. After my dad kisses my head and tells me that he's glad I'm ok. I hear a gasp. Looking in the direction to see Cheryl holding my baby boy. She meets my eyes "JayJ" I nod allowing my dad to take my little girl "she has a spark of Cheekiness" I hear Archie say. The only ones in the room where my dad, Archie, Jug, Alec and Cheryl. Grabbing Cheryl's hand "I want you to meet Jason Alec Andrews-Blossom" glancing between Cheryl and Alec "will you two be his godparents" they instantly nod and hug me "And that little one is Nova Cheryl Andrews-Blossom" Cheryl passes Jason to Alec and hugs me "thank you" "Jug would you be her godfather and I don't really have any other girl friends so Cheryl" she nods with tears in her eyes "yes yes yes a million times yes" I laugh and hug my best and only girl friend. "What about Ronnie" " I mean sure she my friend but I kinda just met her in a way...I mean I pretty much isolated myself I don't know the girl like you guys do...I like her but this is big it has to be people I trust" the nod understanding my point. "Umm I brought an apartment a couple of weeks ago in Riverdale...I'm going to live there but you are all welcome at anytime" they look disappointed but understand Cheryl smirks "soo Thorn Hill burnt down" "yess you can live with me but disclaimer babies cry" she nods and says "I know" this is the beginning of something special. Something beautiful. An amazing adventure with the people I love most.

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