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Tom stopped in his tracks, staring up at the building. "Where are you taking me?"

"Just come on." Tord rolled his eyes and dragged him forward.

Stumbling, Tom followed him.

Inside, the building was completely empty. Tom's breath hitched and he looked around in fear. What is he gonna do?

"Relax," Tord shot a glare at him. He released his grip on Tom's wrist.

A man walked out from a different room. Now that Tom thought about it, it was the same guy from when he was captured, eyebrows and all. Still feeling a bit insecure, he stood closer to Tord.

Tord and the guy talked to each other in a language Tom couldn't identify, laughing every so often. Finally, they said goodbye.

"Let's go." Tord took hold of Tom's hand and led him back outside.

"Hold on- who was that? And.. what were you speaking of?"

"A friend. We were just... planning."


--Time Skip--

The sun was low in the sky, casting shadows across the land. Tom and Tord were now headed back home.

"Did you have fun?" Tord smirked and looked at him.

"No," Tom scoffed, pulling his hand out of Tord's.

"Mhm.. sure..."

Tord opened the door for Tom, but Tom just glared at him. Tord sighed and walked in; Tom followed him and frowned.

"Now what?" Tom asked.

"You want to do more things with me?" Tord smiled smugly at him.


"Why not?"


"Too late."

Tord picked him up and slammed Tom's back against a wall, straddling his hips, leaning in and brushing his his lips against Tom's jaw.

"Wh-What are you doing!?" Tom managed to squeak out. His face was burning red.

"You~" Tord purred.

"Huh!?" The Brit's void-like eyes went wide.

Tord smashed his lips against Tom's. Flustered, Tom kissed back and found himself wrapping his arms around the other male's neck. Tord smiled over the kiss, deciding to bring it a step further by swiping his tongue on Tom's lower lip. Tom hesitantly allowed Tord in.

After tongue-battling, hands exploring bodies, and hair getting ruffled, they pulled away. Tom gasped for breath as Tord put him down.

"Did you enjoy~?" Tord's grin only grew wider.

"I-I... no!" Tom's face was still red, and he was still panting a bit.

"Yeah. Okay. Anyway, I have somewhere to take you," Tord motioned with his hand to the door.


The Prince's Peasant {TomTord Royalty AU}Where stories live. Discover now