Chapter One

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I was walking down he street when I seen Finn getting abuse off this older man and Finns boyfriend Kasim. I didn't know whether they were being homophobic or not but I knew I just had to do something. "What's going on Finn?" I asked him.
"He won't admit he's gay to his dad." He replied.
"I'm sick of people like you, oh well if you can't admit your gay to your old man but don't bring Finn into it." I said shouting in his face.
"Come on son." His dad said walking towards the car.
"Happily." He started walking but I rugby tackled him to the floor and started to hit punches at him, none of them hitting his face as he was covering them with his hands.
"You leave Finn alone and don't come back here again!" I shouted
"AARON!" I heard Robert shout from behind me. I turned around and seen him running towards me. This allowed Kasim to hit me in the face, so I pinned him down and started punching him again. This time his face wasn't covered as I went in for the hit someone pulled me off him. I tried to wriggle away but I couldn't. Kasim got up and walked away with his dad. "You never come back here again and bother Finn alright!" I shouted at him as they got in the car and drove off.
"Wasn't planning to." He shouted back as they drove off.

Finn ran off into his house crying and I turned around to see who had hold of me, it was Robert. "What are you playing at?" He asked.
"He was being homophobic to Finn so I tried to give him what he deserved but you dragged me off him before I could actually do any real damage."
"Well firstly he wasn't being homophobic to Finn, they had just broke up and he was telling him where to go and secondly I pulled you off because I didn't wanna see you go down for assault." I walked off into the pub and walked through to the back. Robert followed and my mum came through to see what was going on.
"What was all the screaming about outside? Aaron what's happened to your lip?" She asked because it was cut from when he punched me.
"It's nothing." I said angrily going upstairs to bed.


"What's happened?" Chas asks me.
"Aaron attacked Kasim, Finns ex coz he thought he was being homophobic towards Finn but they weren't they had just broke up."
"Oh." She said "He didn't hurt him badly did he? I don't know if I could cope if he was in prison."
"No. I pulled him off him before he could hurt him."
"Thank god, go upstairs see how he's doing."

I did what Chas asked and walked into our bedroom. Aaron was getting changed into his PJ's and he said "Thanks for pulling me off him."
"It's okay I wouldn't be worried, he won't go to the police."
"I hope not." He said going into the bathroom to sort his cut lip. I also got into my PJ's and got into bed because it was 11:45. A few minutes later Aaron joined me and went to sleep.

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